This code creates a computer voice that walks you through a workout, similar to my shell interval trainer. In this case, there is some interaction with the program due to the inclusion of exercises that are not timed, but rather a certain number of reps, which requires the user to touch a key to continue the program when the reps are done.
The program is run like
voiceworkout routine.yaml
where routine.yaml
has contents something like the following:
title: Example routine
- instruction: band dislocations
number: 10
istimed: true
- instruction: pushups
number: 50
istimed: false
A more thorough routine is [](in this gist). That will yield output similar to the following
voiceworkout v1.1
Now doing band dislocations. Do band dislocations for 10 seconds
Done with band dislocations
Now doing pushups. Do pushups for 50 repps and hit any key when finished
Done with pushups
You can build this from source (it is written in Go) or download the latest release of voiceworkout. It does not compile on windows right now because of using the package.
Or, if you are a homebrew user, you can install
via the kljensen/tap
tap using either
brew install kljensen/tap/voiceworkout
brew tap kljensen/tap
brew install voiceworkout