
Streaming JSON parser for PHP

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This is a JSON parsing library that allows parsing stream of JSON data. You can process JSON records on the fly without decoding complete structure into memory first. This is especially useful when parsing large JSON files.


composer require klkvsk/json-decode-stream

Basic usage

In most cases, streaming parser is used to parse lists of repeated objects. For example, here is a list of users:

  "users": [
    { "name": "Alice", "age": 20 }, 
    { "name": "Bob", "age": 30 }

To iterate over each user and print their name, use:

$parser = \JsonDecodeStream\Parser::fromFile("users.json"); 
foreach ($parser->items("users[]") as $user) {
    echo $user->name; 
// or
foreach ($parser->items("users[].name") as $name) {
    echo $name; 


json-decode-stream uses layered generators to process data. There are 3 layers, and the processing goes as follows:

Tokenizer -(tokens)-> Parser -(events)-> Collector -(items)-> your code
  • Tokens are parts of encoded JSON data: braces, comas, strings, numbers.
  • Events are emitted based on sequence of incoming tokens: object started/ended, key specified, value, etc.
  • Items are final parts of decoded JSON: scalar values, arrays and objects, that are matched by selectors.

Parser class provides access to each layer directly, but for most use cases only $parser->items($selector) is needed.


Selector is a string that specifies full path to collected JSON fields. Simple selectors are:

  • [] - any element of an array or every key of an object
  • [5] - element of an array with index 5
  • [10:15] - any element of an array with index ranged from 10 to 15
  • [5:] - any element of an array starting from index 5
  • [:5] - any element of an array before and including index 5
  • foo - value of an object by key 'foo'
  • ["some long key with spaces or \"quotes\" in it"] - also a value by key

Selectors can be nested:

  • users[] would select each user
  • result.total would select key "total" in "result" object
  • result[] would select value of "total" and any other fields of "result" object
  • users[:2].name would select names of first 3 users
  • [].id would select every ID in the top-level array of objects with "id" field




  • Parser::fromString($jsonString)

  • Parser::fromFile($filePath)

  • Parser::fromStream($resource)

    Where $resource is any resource that supports fread()

  • Parser::fromPsr7($stream)

    Where $stream is any PSR-7 compliant StreamInterface, i.e. $psr7Request->getBody()

  • new Parser(new SourceBuffer(new SourceInterfaceImplementation()))

    Use in other custom cases


  • $parser->tokens(): Generator<Token>

    Iterates over encoded JSON document, returning Token objects.

  • $parser->events(): Generator<Event>

    Iterates over tokens(), returning Event objects.

  • $parser->items($selectors): Generator<scalar|object|array>

    Iterates over events(), returning decoded JSON fields matched by selectors

    Where$selectors either

    • single selector string: "result.users[]"
    • coma-separated selector strings: "result.total, result.users[]"
    • array of selector strings: [ "result.total", "result.users[]" ]
    • custom CollectorInterface or array of them
    • null to collect whole objects/arrays in JSON-sequences (separated with coma or/and newline in source)

    String selectors are converted to Collector classes internally.

    For default Collector, iterated values have their full path in key, like "result.users[4]" => ["num" => "Five", ..]



  • $event->getId(): string


    • Event::DOCUMENT_END
    • Event::OBJECT_START
    • Event::OBJECT_END
    • Event::KEY
    • Event::VALUE
  • $event->getValue(): string|number|bool|null

    • For Event::VALUE a corresponding value is returned.
    • For Event::KEY a string (field name of an object) is returned.
    • For other events null is returned.
  • $event->getPath(): string

    Full path to the currently parsed element.

  • $event->getDepth(): int

    How many nested levels of JSON structure are we deep. Elements of top-level array/object have depth 1.

  • $event->matchPath(string $selector): bool

    Checks if currenly parsed element's path is contained within selector.

  • $event->getLineNumber(): int and $event->getCharNumber(): int

    Returns currently parsed position inside decoded source.


  • $token->getId(): string


    • Token::OBJECT_START
    • Token::OBJECT_END
    • Token::ARRAY_START
    • Token::ARRAY_END
    • Token::KEY_DELIMITER
    • Token::COMA
    • Token::TRUE
    • Token::FALSE
    • Token::NULL
    • Token::STRING
    • Token::NUMBER
    • Token::WHITESPACE
  • $token->getValue(): string|number|bool|null

    Returns corresponding value only for STRING, NUMBER or WHITESPACE tokens.

  • $token->getLineNumber(): int and $token->getCharNumber(): int

    Returns currently parsed position inside decoded source.

Custom Collectors

CollectorInterface defines only one method:

  • processEvent(Event $event)

Return an array of [ key, value ] to be yielded from items() when you need to emit an item.

Yield multiple [ key, value ]s when you need to emit multiple items.

Otherwise, return null if you have nothing yet to yield.

Here is an example of custom Collector:

class AggregationCollector implements CollectorInterface
    protected int $count;
    protected float $sum;
    public function processEvent(Event $event)
        switch ($event->getId()) {
            case Event::DOCUMENT_START:
                $this->count = 0;
                $this->sum = 0;
            case Event::VALUE:
                if ($event->matchPath("games[].score")) {
                    $this->sum += $event->getValue();

            case Event::DOCUMENT:END:
                yield [ 'count', $this->count ];
                yield [ 'sum', $this->sum ];
                yield [ 'avg', $this->count ? ($this->sum / $this->count) : 0 ];

$aggregates = iterator_to_array($parser->items(new AggregationCollector()));
var_dump($aggregates); // [ 'count' => 10, 'sum' => 50, 'avg' => 5 ]


There are no external dependencies except ext-json, which is normally comes with every PHP distribution.

Default json_decode is used to parse single JSON strings when Parser finds them. This is faster and more error-proof than writing own JSON string parser/validator.


This lib is heavily covered with unit tests and CI-tested under all versions of PHP since 7.1.

To run tests, install via composer with --dev and run

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


This code is distributed under MIT license.