This repo contains the working draft for the UNHM Programming Club Constitution.
- Propose resolutions
- Vote on resolutions and officers
- Run for officer positions in yearly elections
- Create a new project on the GitHub org
- Join existing project on the GitHub org
- Call emergency meeting to address a grievance
- Be nominated as candidate for officer role in yearly elections
- UNHM student for full membership
- UNHM student within 2 years or UNH Durham student for adjunct membership
- Adjunct members may not hold officer roles and board may elect to limit some votes to UNHM membership only
- Members must make 1 pull request per semester - does not have to be significant contribution, just ensures member can use GitHub. Ask for help on the Discord - first pull requests are hard, even if you're good at programming already!
- Must vote in the yearly officer elections - may abstain
- Follow code of conduct
- No harassment/sexualized speech
- No discrimination
- No politics
- No bullying