
A folder/batch file structure for quickly testing single-file masm x86 assembly programs.

Primary LanguageAssembly


This repository provides an x86 masm assembly development environment for MASM with the Irvine libraries.

The purpose is to quickly prototype single-file assembly projects without having to manage Visual Studio solutions and with all the plugins of your favorite IDE.

Copying MASM over

You must copy the MASM assembler into the masm folder to use this environment. I do not believe I can distribute the masm assembler as per the terms of the microsoft visual studio community 2019 licensing agreement

If you install Visual Studio Community 2019, (and probably all other versions) you will have MASM (MSVC).

It is located at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\bin\Hostx86\x86

Copy all the contents of that folder to ./masm to access the assembler.

How to use

Put an assembly file in the "asm" folder, making sure it has the *.asm extension.

Run assemble.bat from the command line and pass it a parameter; your *.asm filename, without the extension.

Example command line:

assemble myassemblyTest1

The batch command will find myassemblyTest1.asm in the ./asm folder.

It will create myassemblyTest1.o in the intermediate folder.

It will create myassemblyTest1.exe in the ./exe folder, which will be linked to the Irvine libraries.

The executable will be run.

How I use it

I use this with Visual Studio Code and the x86_64-assembly-vscode extension.

I use it primarily for testing small stuff, but I have also written larger files this way. Included is an example project I wrote earlier this semester with my groupmate.


Here is a list of the procedures Irvine provides.

Here is felix cloutiers instruction reference

I personally found Kip Irivne's book, Assembly Language for x86 Processors (ISBN: 978-0135381656), to be very informative. You can find info about it here.

Happy assembling!