
My template for PHP Project

Primary LanguageMakefile

PHP template project

My template for PHP project or exercise (Kata)

Getting started

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/klnjmm/template-php.git your-project-name
cd your-project-name

Modify composer.json file

  • General informations like project name, description and license
    "name": "klnjmm/template",
    "description": "My template for PHP project",
    "type": "project",
    "license": "MIT",


On Unix or Mac OS X system

make init
make up

On Windows

rmdir /s /q .git
git init
composer install

Let's code ! 🚀


On Unix or Mac OS X system

Here a few commands that can help you :

  • Launch unit tests
make unit-tests
  • Launch unit tests with coverage
make unit-tests-coverage
  • Launch mutation testing
make mutation
  • Launch code sniffer
make code-sniffer
  • Fix code style
make code-sniffer-fix

On Windows

Here a few commands that can help you :

  • Launch unit tests
  • Launch unit tests with coverage
vendor\bin\pest.bat --coverage
  • Launch mutation testing (doesn't work on windows...)
vendor\bin\infection.bat --test-framework=pest --show-mutations
  • Launch code sniffer
  • Launch code sniffer


Do whatever you want with this !