
Defer multiple 𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚎 calls on 𝙰𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚢.

Primary LanguagePureScript


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Time complexity of uncons called on Array is O(n) because .slice() is used to preserve purity. Thus iterating over Array using uncons is O(n2).

But since purescript Arrays are persistent at runtime, it is possible to defer multiple .slice() calls by introducing another data structure and operating on it instead.

ArrayView contains a reference to some Array coupled with two numbers: index where the view starts relative to the beginning of the array and the length of the view.

newtype ArrayView a = View { from :: Int, len :: Int, arr :: Array a }

So, instead of slicing, it is possible to just shift the indices.

Obviously, this technique does not improve the asymptotics of cons/snoc/append and other array constructing functions, so if the code uses these, there will be no benefit in replacing Array with ArrayView.

It should be noted once more that iterating over ordinary arrays using cons and uncons, which is common in Haskell (with lists) is a bad practice. Often such code can be refactored to use some type of fold and/or other standard functionals. However, there are cases where it is not straightforward, or where using uncons/unsnoc is more syntactically appealing, e.g. when iterating over many structures at once.

Asymptotics comparison

For every function in Data.Array there is a corresponding function in Data.ArrayView, though most of them are plain reuses up to conversions between Array and ArrayView. Those with different time complexities are listed below:

functions Array / NonEmptyArray ArrayView / NonEmptyArrayView Note
slice, uncons, unsnoc, tail, init, take, drop, takeEnd, dropEnd O(n) O(1) n is the length of the resulting array
span (used by takeWhile, dropWhile) O(n+m) O(n) n is the length of the init array, m is the length of the rest
Data.ArrayView.toArray - O(n) O(1) if the given view corresponds to the whole array
Data.ArrayView.fromArray O(1) -


This package's API mimics the API of purescript-arrays up to certain extent. For most use cases, just changing the imports is enough.

This table may be useful for incorporating this library into existing codebase:

Name Replacement Note
Data.Array Data.ArrayView
Data.Array.NonEmpty Data.ArrayView.NonEmpty
Data.Array.NonEmpty.fromArray Data.ArrayView.NonEmpty.fromArrayView
Data.Array.NonEmpty.toArray Data.ArrayView.NonEmpty.toArrayView
Data.Array.some, many Data.ArrayView.some, many Lazy (f (Array a)) constaint is not changed to Lazy (f (ArrayView a)) because of OrphanInstances
Data.Array.NonEmpty.appendArray Data.ArrayView.NonEmpty.appendArrayView

Impact on GC

Since every ArrayView holds a reference to some array, the latter can't be garbage-collected while the former is used. This leads to a memory consumption overhead.

If you need to free unused parts of array, use Data.ArrayView.force :: forall a. ArrayView a -> ArrayView a (which performs slicing and therefore is O(n)).


See also

purescript-slices is another implementation of the same technique.


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