
The ruby on rails plugin for teethgrinder's Open Flash Chart (version 2)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

OpenFlashChart  Version 2.0.0  11/14/2008 

1) rails ofc2_test_app
2) cd ofc2_test_app
3) script/plugin install git://github.com/pullmonkey/open_flash_chart.git
4) script/generate controller test_it

5) Add the following to the test_it_controller.rb in RAILS_ROOT/app/controllers:
class TestItController < ApplicationController
  def index
    respond_to do |wants|
      wants.html {
        @graph = open_flash_chart_object( 600, 300, url_for( :action => 'index', :format => :json ) )
      wants.json { 
        chart = OpenFlashChart.new( "MY TITLE" ) do |c|
          c << BarGlass.new( :values => (1..10).sort_by{rand} )
        render :text => chart, :layout => false


6) Add the following to index.html.erb in RAILS_ROOT/app/views/test_it/:
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/swfobject.js"></script>
<%= @graph %>

7) script/server
8) Let me know how it goes, thanks.


Example above and more to follow here - http://www.pullmonkey.com/projects/open_flash_chart

Copyright (c) 2008 PullMonkey, released under the MIT license