A pagination class for php.
You can instantiate this class and use its properties and methods to display pagination on a webpage. It does not handle the html or the css, but it provides methods and properties that you can call and loop over, and it handles the 'page' and 'per_page' GET parameters so that you don't have to mess around with url query strings.
You can instantiate the class like this:
$paginator = new Paginator(array(
"number_of_objects" => $number_of_objects,
"current_page_number" => (array_key_exists('page', $_GET) ? $_GET['page'] : 1),
"per_page" => (array_key_exists('per_page', $_GET) ? $_GET['per_page'] : 8),
The 'number_of_objects' parameter is required. The rest are optional. After it is instantiated, you can call:
$paginator->previous() # Returns a page dictionary.
$paginator->next() # Returns a page dictionary.
$paginator->first() # Returns a page dictionary.
$paginator->last() # Returns a page dictionary.
$paginator->pages # list of page dictionaries.
$paginator->current_page_number # integer
$paginator->per_page # integer
$paginator->number_of_objects # integer
$paginator->number_of_pages # integer
$paginator->last_page_number # integer
Page dictionaries contain the page url, number, and a boolean field denoting whether or not it is the current page.
$page['url'] # string
$page['number'] # integer
$page['current'] # boolean
So you could use this to write your html as such:
<?php if ($paginator->number_of_pages > 1) { ?>
<nav class="pagination" role="navigation" aria-label="Pagination">
<a href="<?php echo $previous['url']; ?>" class="previous <?php echo ($previous['current'] ? 'disabled' : ''); ?>" rel="prev" aria-label="Previous Page (<?php echo $previous['number']; ?>)">
<?php foreach ($paginator->pages as $page) { ?>
<a href="<?php echo $page['url']; ?>" class="page <?php echo ($page['current'] ? 'current' : ''); ?>" aria-label="Page <?php echo $page['number']; ?>" title="Page <?php echo $page['number']; ?>">
<?php echo $page['number']; ?>
<?php } ?>
<a href="<?php echo $next['url']; ?>" class="next <?php echo ($next['current'] ? 'disabled' : ''); ?>" rel="next" aria-label="Next Page (Page <?php echo $previous['number']; ?>)" title="Next Page (<?php echo $previous['number']; ?>)">
<?php } ?>
See the example folder for further details.