This is the Google Analytics module for Godot Engine (
- Android only
- Register Screens
- Register Events
Drop the "analytics" directory inside the "modules" directory on the Godot source.
In Example project goto Export->Target->Android:
Custom Package:
- place your apk from build
Permissions on:
- Access Network State
- Internet
To enable the module on Android, add the path to the module to the "modules" property on the [android] section of your engine.cfg file. It should look like this:
If you have more separete by comma.
The following methods are available:
# Change Dispatch Period
# @param int dispatch_period The dispatch period (default: 1800)
# Change Sample Rate
# @param double sample_rate The sample frequency in percentage (default: 100.0d)
# Change Anonymize IP
# @param boolean anonymize_ip Option to hide or not the IPs of the users (default: false)
# Change AdIdCollection
# @param boolean ad_id_collection Option for monitorize Ads (default: true)
# Change Dry Run
# @param boolean dry_run Option for dry run (default: false)
# Init GoogleAnalytics (change the previous params before init)
# @param string tracker_id The tracker ID (UA-XXXXXXX-X)
# @param string app_version The version of the game (0.1.2)
# @param string app_name The name of the game (My Game)
# @param string bundle_id The package id (
init(tracker_id, app_version, app_name, bundle_id)
# Register screen
# @param string name The name of the screen
# Register event
# @param string category Category of the event
# @param string action Action of the event
event(category, action)
You can find an example on "demo/" file.
Google Analytics Services:
MIT license