
kloia_exporter aims to simplify the process of creating custom Prometheus exporters

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Prometheus Custom Exporter Pip Package

kloia_exporter aims to provide simple and efficient solutions to create custom exporters which target Prometheus. It is the pip package that can be used to create REST API and yield metrics.


pip3 install git+https://github.com/kloia/prometheus-custom-exporter


Define a list that includes Python dicts. These objects must contain some keys metricName, helpText, labels, and the collect lambda function. By defining a collect function, Prometheus Client calls it and yields the metric from the port.

from kloia_exporter import API

metric_inputs = [
        "metricName": "totalUsers",
        "helpText": "Number of total users",
        "labels": ["totalUsers"],
        "collect": lambda metricFamily: metricFamily.add_metric(["kloia"], 10 )

API(9000, metric_inputs=metric_inputs).listen()


Example 1 - Custom Exporter for Couchbase Metrics

There is a requirement to be able to develop a custom exporter for Couchbase Metrics. Install the Couchbase Python SDK.

pip3 install git+https://github.com/kloia/prometheus-custom-exporter
pip3 install couchbase

Step 1 - Create exporter.py

Here is the script to help you develop a custom exporter.

from kloia_exporter import API, config
from data_layer import DataLayer

couchbase_config = config.get_config_info("service_check.ini", "couchbase")

dao = DataLayer(couchbase_config)

metric_inputs = [
       "metricName": "totalUsers",
       "helpText": "Total Users",
       "labels": ["totalUsers"],
       "collect": lambda metricFamily: 
                         dao.get(“select count(*) from Kloia”)[0][“$1”]   

       "metricName": "totalUsersByStartDate",
       "helpText": "Total Users By Start Date",
       "labels": ["totalUsersByStartDate"],
       "collect": lambda metricFamily: 
                         dao.get('select count(*) from Kloia AS doc WHERE doc.start_date < "24-11-2021"')[0][“$1”]   


API(int(couchbase_config["port_number"]), metric_inputs=metric_inputs).listen()

Step 2 - Create data_layer.py

Here is the script to connect Couchbase Server by using Couchbase Python SDK. Give the credentials on service_check.ini, as a parameter to the DataLayer object on the exporter.py. It will create a connection. This will allow you to get metrics by writing N1QL queries.

from couchbase.cluster import Cluster
from couchbase.auth import PasswordAuthenticator
import logging

class DataLayer():

   def __init__(self, args):
       self.args = args
           self.cluster = self.__connect_db()
           self.bucket = self.cluster.bucket("Kloia")
           self.collection = self.bucket.default_collection()
       except Exception as exp:

   def __get_authenticator(self):
       if self.args["user_name"] and self.args["password"]:
           return PasswordAuthenticator(self.args["user_name"], self.args["password"])
       return None

   def __get_conn_str(self):
       if self.args["cluster"]:
           return "couchbase://" + self.args["cluster"]
       return None

   def __connect_db(self):
           authenticator = self.__get_authenticator()
           conn_str = self.__get_conn_str()
           return Cluster(conn_str, authenticator=authenticator)
       except Exception as exp:
       return None

   def get(self, queryprep):
           res = self.cluster.query(queryprep)
           return res.rows()
       except Exception as exp:
           return []

Step 3 - Create service_check.ini

The config file is as follows. It includes the Prometheus client’s port number and some credentials for connecting to the Couchbase Server. These fields must be updated before running exporter.py.


Step 4 - Run the exporter.py

The custom exporter will be ready on the specified port.

python3 exporter.py