
Lightweight PostGIS query viewer built on Node

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

PostGIS Minimalist Express viewer for Node

Lightweight PostGIS query viewer built on Node

================ This web application for viewing PostGIS http://postgis.net raster queries, geometry via X3D and other output functions like ST_AsSVG utilizing PostGIS 2.0+, X3DOM http://www.x3dom.org/ , JQuery http://jquery.com, and Node.JS

Node.JS libraries - https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres-pure Express - http://expressjs.com/


  1. PostGIS 2.0+ (PostGIS 2.1+ with SFCGAL is preferred).
    Note: if you are on windows, we do have http://postgis.net/windows_downloads for upcoming PostGIS 2.2 that have SFCGAL https://github.com/Oslandia/SFCGAL built-in.
  2. Node.JS installed


  1. Extract
  2. edit the postgis_express.js (connString variable to point to your postgress database)
  3. At OS shell prompt cd into the extracted folder
  4. Run (only need to do this once)
npm install express
npm install pg.js 
  1. Still in OS shell type: which should launch the web server node postgis_express.js

  2. In a web browser go to: http://localhost:3030

  3. Run the ``` SELECT 1`` example which should out 1


For Plain Text you can output SVG for example or any text query:

#Raster Example Change to PNG (it usally can handle JPEG also)

        ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(50 50,150 150,150 50)'), 10,'join=bevel'), 
        200,200,ARRAY['8BUI', '8BUI', '8BUI'], ARRAY[118,154,118], ARRAY[0,0,0]));

#SVG Example

SELECT '<svg width="600" height="600">
 <path fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="3" transform="translate(' || 
   (-ST_XMin(geom))::text || ', '  || 
  (ST_YMax(geom))::text || ')" d="' || ST_ASSVG(geom) || '"></path>
  </svg>' As svg
 'LINESTRING(100 200, 250 220, 300 300, 350 100)'::geometry) As f(geom);

#X3D Example Toggle output to X3d and run -- click a if image doesn't come into view

SELECT '<shape><appearance>
  <material ambientintensity="0.200" containerfield="material" shininess="0.200" diffusecolor="1 0.5 0.6" />
    || replace(ST_AsX3D('TIN(
    ((0 0 0, 1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 0)),
    ((0 0 0, 1 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 0 0)),
    ((0 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 1 0, 0 0 0)),
    ((0 0 1, 1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1))
   '<IndexedTriangleSet', '<IndexedTriangleSet solid="false" ') || '</shape>';