
Restructured IPython extension from Online Python Tutor repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Online Python Tutor extension for the IPython shell



When this extension is loaded, you can type code into the IPython prompt and visualize its execution in a web browser.

This extension also defines a %clear magic command to clear the user's global environment and accompanying visualization, and %run_server command to start tornado server and run default browser from within IPython

One-minute video demo:

Online Python Tutor + IPython shell



Clone this repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/klonuo/opt-ipy
$ cd opt-ipy

then start the IPython shell in this directory by running:

$ ipython

and load the extension and start server by running:

In[1]: %load_ext opt_ipy

In[2]: %run_server

At this point, as soon as you execute a Python statement in the IPython shell, it should immediately be visualized in your browser.


  • restructure files from OPT repo related to OPT IPython extension
  • refactor scripts and cleanup code
  • rename files by replacing hyphen with underscore
  • new command to launch server from within IPython shell