
ansible role for neovim nightly build

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This ansible role builds the nightly version of neovim on macOS and debian based linux distributions.

First, it installs or updates the dependencies, packages, repos, and optional features used for building and configuring your neovim. Then, it builds neovim using the makefile from the source repo. This role puts everything in place but does not open neovim nor run arbitrary neovim commands, so it neither updates nor installs plugins. To use this role, add the following to your requirements file and run ansible-galaxy install klooj.nvim_build

If the galaxy install method is throwing errors, put the following in a reqs.yaml file and run ansible-galaxy install -f -r reqs.yml

- src: https://github.com/klooj/nvim_build


  • This role works on debian based linux distros and macOS and requires apt or homebrew, respectively.
  • Ansible 2.10 is likely the minimum compatible version out of the box1 because I used the new naming conventions(mostly). To that end, the role employs the community collection, which can be installed by running: ansible-galaxy collection install community.general.
  • neovim explicitly requires lua5.1 . in most situations, this requires uninstalling later version, setting enivornment variables, or setting up shims. for now, this role does not venture down the "path" path but does make sure 5.1 is installed.
  • github3.py >= 1.0.0a3

The are also a few optional dependencies listed below.

Role Variables

variable default directory description
nvim_build_dir {{ gits_dir }}/neovim local dest for clone of source repo
nvim_dir {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.config/nvim local dest for clone of user config
nvim_source neovim/neovim build source repo
nvrc_repo personal config repo
install_path ~/.local dest for installed runtime files & binary

The default for nearly everything is non-action.

variable default description type
daily_limit yes do not build if successfully built less than a day ago (nvim,lsp) bool
build_it no whether to build and install nvim bool
exe_make path to executable string
exe_shell path to executable string
exe_pip path to executable string
exe_yarn path to executable string
exe_gem path to executable string
git_key path to host key when using ssh for pulls/clones string
git_method https only supported options are ssh and https string
gits_dir ~/gits local parent directory where extra repos are cloned string
gits format: [- name: any, repo: foo/bar] dict
lx_rtp_bin no whether to create "vim bin" at /usr/local/opt bool
lx_rtp_packs + symlinks into vimbin; format:[- name: fzf, source: ~/go/bin/fzf] dict
lsp_lua_lx no whether to install sumneko lua lsp linux bool
lsp_lua_mac no whether to install sumneko lua lsp mac bool
nv_dirs_mk no whether to create directories specified by nv_dirs bool
nv_dirs + folders to create; i.e., ~/.cache/nvim/undodir, etc. list

+ = see defaults/main.yml for default values

variable default type
install_apts no bool
apts see below list
install_brews no bool
brews see below list
brew_heads see below list
install_gems no bool
gems neovim, minitest-neovim list
install_cargos no (fd, rg, rga) bool
install_perls no bool
perls Neovim list
install_pips no bool
install_yarns no bool

apt apt brew
ack libtool ack
autoconf libtool-bin automake
automake libunibilium-dev ccache
build-essential libutf8proc-dev cmake
ccache libuv1-dev fd
cmake libvterm-dev fzy
dirmngr lua5.3 gettext
ffmpeg luajit libtool
fzy luarocks lua
g++ ninja-build ninja
git pandoc pkg-config
git-lfs pkg-config rg
gettext poppler-utils rga
gperf software-properties-common fzf -- HEAD
libluajit-5.1-dev unzip luajit -- HEAD
libmsgpack-dev zsh luarocks -- HEAD


  1. I cannot get ansible's cpanm module to function properly. If you would like perl + neovim integration, run this from the command line: cpanm Neovim::Ext
  2. pip and yarn2 install from requirements.txt/package.json files, respectively, instead of taking a list. Make sure those files are in your nvrc_repo or use a pre-task to put them in nvim_dir (see playbook example below).
  3. Only github is supported out of the box for cloning repos. I have never used gitlab or any other version control platform and do not know my way around.
  4. The lx_rtp_bin "vim bin" is a directory with the same absolute path on each machine that is not in $PATH, and I use it for symlinking binaries that I want to made specifically available to neovim. So, in vimrc I can just rtp+=/usr/local/opt/fzf once and forget about it.


If you enable the lua lsp installation in this role, put the following code or its equivalent in your init.lua or a lua herestring in your init.vim . If you kept the default value of $HOME/gits for gits_dir, then:

local sumneko_binary
local sumneko_root_path =  os.getenv("HOME") .. "gits/lua-language-server"
if vim.fn.has("mac") == 1 then
  sumneko_binary = sumneko_root_path .. "/bin/macOS/lua-language-server"
elseif vim.fn.has("unix") == 1 then
   sumneko_binary = sumneko_root_path .. "/bin/Linux/lua-language-server"


require('lspconfig').sumneko_lua.setup {
    cmd = {sumneko_binary, "-E", sumneko_root_path .. "/main.lua"},



The dependencies are triggered in limited circumstances for certain optional features.

  • Zsh might be required for some optional tasks that use shell modules. You can define the executable however you like, but I always specify zsh and have never tried with another shell. The tasks using shell modules are the install_cargos and lsp_lua, which are located in tasks/packs.yaml and tasks/lsp_lua.yaml. In theory, zsh is not required but check the shell syntax before using something else.

  • C++17 is required for building the optional stand-alone sumneko lua lsp. If you enable lsp_lua_[mac|lx], it gets built from source. The dependencies are covered by the default brew/apt lists but the build may fail on machines with older versions of C++, which is well beyond scope and my comprehension. The only build failure I've come across is on a standard armv raspberry pi, which are excluded from building this feature even if enabled in the playbook.

  • rust w/cargo for installing the optional crates on linux. The apt repositories created problems for ripgrep and fd due to outdated versions and a namespace issue. I do not know if those problems continue, but I switched to installing them as crates with cargo. Homebrew does not have the same issues with these binaries.

  • go for installing the optional fzf package on linux This is not actually implemented in the role just yet, but it will address the same version issues described in the previous bullet. In the meantime, simply run go get -u github.com/junegunn/fzf

It is not required but is strongly recommended to get your virtual environment affairs in order before running this play.

Example Playbook


- hosts: all  

    - name: copy node package.json for yarn  
        src: files/package.json  
        dest: "{{ nvim_dir }}"  
        force: no  
    - name: copy requirements.txt for pip  
        src: files/requirements.txt  
        dest: "{{ nvim_dir }}"  
        force: no  

    nvrc_repo: klooj/nvim  

    build_it: yes  
    nv_dirs_mk: yes  

    gits_dir: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/gits"  
    git_key: "~/.ssh/{{ ansible_hostname }}_secretKey"  
    git_method: ssh  

    lsp_lua_lx: yes  
    lsp_lua_mac: yes  
    lx_rtp_bin: yes  

    install_brews: yes  
    install_apts: yes  
    install_pips: yes  
    exe_pip: ~/.pyenv/versions/neovim3.9/bin/pip  
    install_yarns: yes  
    exe_yarn: ~/.config/nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/bin/yarn  
    install_gems: yes  

    - nvim_build  


exe_make = /usr/local/gnubin/make  
exe_shell = /usr/local/bin/zsh  
exe_gem = /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin/gem  


  • supplement/modify defaults rather than accept as is or redefine for each one.
  • option to build on one host then distribute to many
  • default to build no more than once per day
  • list of useful interactions between this role and nvim config, options, and features w/specific examples
  • luarocks
  • convert fzf and tab9 scripts to ansible tasks
  • vimr?
Author License
www.github.com/klooj MIT


  1. Compatability with earlier versions of ansible would only require a few task names to be modified.

  2. npm was constantly throwing errors over things that no self-respecting package manager should, so right now this role uses yarn only ... and I do not feel compelled to try reimplementing npm.