
Javascript library for selecting duration. It's a fork from with millisecond support.





<link rel="stylesheet" href="" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src=""></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../src/jquery-duration-picker.css">
<script src="../src/jquery-duration-picker.js"></script>

// or

    lang: 'en', // ISO code of the language, default is EN.
    showDays: false, // defines whether to show days or not. Default is false
    showSeconds: true, // defines whether to show seconds or not. Default is true
    showMilliseconds: true, // defines wether to show milliseconds. Default is true
    checkRanges: false, // defines a maximum range that will accept the picker.
    // If the value is larger applies that maximum range. Default is false
	totalMax: 31556952000, // Only applies if checkRanges is true. Default maximum range is 1 year in ms.
	totalMin: 60000 // Only applies if checkRanges is true. Default minimum range is 1 minute in ms.             