
Distrubuted realtime computation : flexible programming models, multiple data transfer channel, distributed RPC, and more.

Primary LanguageJava

In order to check the Master socket is alive, every action from Slave will launch a temporary socket link beforesending heartbeat periodically.However,Protobuf-socket-rpc consider this probe unsafe, and add WARNING in logs like below.
Dec 9, 2010 10:32:03 AM com.googlecode.protobuf.socketrpc.RpcServer$ConnectionHandler handleError
WARNING: BAD_REQUEST_DATA: Invalid request from client
There is a conflict between a safe check and a warning, So ignoring prior decision is only choice currently.
216: if (!builder.isInitialized()) {
217:          //sendResponse(handleError("Invalid request from client",
218:            //  ErrorReason.BAD_REQUEST_DATA, null));
219:          return;
Just annotate the 217 and 218 comparing to prior version.

In order to check the reason why RpcServer stops the server, when the slaveExecutor report an ERROR or WARNING state to Master.Add printing the content of the trace of exception.
172: } catch (IOException ex) {
173:    stopServer();
174:	ex.printStackTrace();
175:   } finally {

Just add the 174 comparing to prior version.

./transformerxml/ is directory containning a xml priciples about jobs and tasks.

######################quick start help ####################
1) ant 
compiler the project. This requires jdk1.6 or higher,ant-1.8.0 or higher.

2)configure the location of master and slave.
using machine IP address to set master
using machine IP address: port to set slave.

3) bin/start-master.sh;bin/start-slaves.sh;

#######################combined with yarn ###################################

If you meet troubles with our project, please email jiangbinglover@gmail.com