
pytorch implementation of Recurrent Attention CNN.

Primary LanguagePython

RACNN Pytorch Implementation

NOTE: There seems to be some issue with the margin loss. Sorry that I'm not planning to fix this, you can try other implementation https://github.com/jeong-tae/RACNN-pytorch.

This is a mobilenet version of RACNN.

Referred from raw pytorch implementation .


  • python

  • pytorch 1.2.0

  • torchvision 0.4.0

  • matplotlib


different from the origin code, several possibly important changes are applied here:

  • changed backbone to mobilenet-v2 due to lack of cuda memory
  • several changes on AttentionCropFunction in model.py, mentioned at jeong-tae/RACNN-pytorch#23
  • add softmax function to rank_loss according to raw paper (its not needed for cross entropy loss)
  • the final stage of training is defined to train one epoch for each loss alternately, since the paper didn't mention the detail
  • test accuracy using 200/725 batches for speed (just comment it out directly at forge.py:51 if needed)


Apn pretrained with mobilenet-v2(imagenet pretrained) backbone:

pretrain_apn_imagenet-1577260547 pretrain_apn_imagenet-1577260547
zoomed input after apn-1. zoom input after apn-2.

I pretrained the mobilenet on CUB_200 dataset before training, and it helps a lot as following:

pretrain_apn_imagenet-1577260547 pretrain_apn_imagenet-1577260547
zoomed input after apn-1 (with pretraining on CUB_200_2011) zoom input after apn-2 (with pretraining on CUB_200_2011)

Final accuracy

Accuracy at epoch-50:

[2019-12-31 20:06:50]    :: Testing on test set ...
[2019-12-31 20:07:10]           Accuracy clsf-0@top-1 (201/725) = 79.95050%
[2019-12-31 20:07:10]           Accuracy clsf-0@top-5 (201/725) = 94.61634%
[2019-12-31 20:07:10]           Accuracy clsf-1@top-1 (201/725) = 74.25743%
[2019-12-31 20:07:10]           Accuracy clsf-1@top-5 (201/725) = 91.39851%
[2019-12-31 20:07:10]           Accuracy clsf-2@top-1 (201/725) = 74.62871%
[2019-12-31 20:07:10]           Accuracy clsf-2@top-5 (201/725) = 90.71782%

Each accuracy-epochs:



the CUB_200_2011 dataset here. (extract it to external/)

  1. pretrain a mobilenet-v2 on CUB_200_2011 (optional):

    $ python src/recurrent_attention_network_paper/pretrain_mobilenet.py
  2. pretrain the apn:

    edit some configurations in pretrain_apn.py here:

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    set the model for backbone, then:

     $ python src/recurrent_attention_network_paper/pretrain_apn.py
  3. training:

    edit same configurations in forge.py , then:

     $ python src/recurrent_attention_network_paper/forge.py

outputs are generated at build/, including logs, frozen optimizers&model and some gifs as visualization.


  • how to define the margin of rank loss? (since it may differs on each backbone(e.g. mobilenet), I think..)
