
A py.test plugin for Mozilla's MozTrap test case management tool.

Primary LanguagePython


pytest-moztrap is a plugin for py.test that provides integration with Mozilla's MozTrap test case management tool.

NOTE: This plugin is currently in alpha version and some of the functionality has not been implemented.

py.test results are translated into MozTrap results using the following lookups:

  • failed -> failed
  • passed -> passed
  • xpassed -> passed
  • xfailed -> invalidated
  • skipped -> invalidated

In the event that two tests have the same test case id or the test is parameterized, pytest-moztrap aggregates the results and prioritizes failed > passed > invalidated. Details about the multiple results can be found in the comment field (although the MozTrap server does not support the comment field for passing tests so data on xpassing tests may be lost).

The MozTrap report will be printed if 'T' is included in the -r option. The MozTrap report includes a line for each MozTrap test case with test case id (the id used in the @pytest.mark.moztrap marker), test case run id (for debugging purposes), the MozTrap status of the test, and the test's name in MozTrap. If the --verbose option is used, the contents of the comment field will be printed along with the MozTrap report. One comment line appears for each aggregated result. Parameters used by parametrized tests are included in the comments inside of square brackets, followed by py.test statuses (pass, fail, xpass, xfail, and skipped) and fail reasons, skip reasons, or error message (as applicable).


Without --verbose

$ py.test . -r T --mt-url=moztrap.allizom.org --mt-username=<username> --mt-apikey=<key> --mt-product=pytest_moztrap --mt-productversion=0.1b --mt-run='plugin tests' --mt-env='Android 2.3'

=========================================== MozTrap test summary info ===========================================
10300 PASSED test_summary_when_single_id_in_marker
10302 INVALIDATED test_summary_with_xdist_dash_n
10305 PASSED test_summary_when_multiple_ids_in_marker
10392 PASSED test_demo_parameterized_with_multiple_outcomes
10307 PASSED test_duplicate_ids_in_a_single_test_are_removed_from_summary
10321 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_parameterized_with_multiple_outcomes
10320 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_failed_test
10292 PASSED test_exception_when_environment_not_specified
10279 PASSED test_no_exception_if_no_moztrap_flags_specified
10296 PASSED test_run_not_found
10295 PASSED test_product_version_not_found
10294 PASSED test_product_not_found
10297 PASSED test_environment_not_found
10299 PASSED test_summary_is_not_output_when_no_id_in_marker
10298 PASSED test_no_error_if_product_version_and_run_all_specified
10393 PASSED test_demo_xpass_trumps_xfail
10318 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_xpass_trumps_xfail
10319 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_skipped_test
10316 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_xfail_test_marker
10317 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_xpass_test_marker
10314 PASSED test_summary_does_not_include_ids_not_found_on_moztrap
10315 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_xfail_inside_test
10312 PASSED test_duplicate_ids_across_tests_are_removed_from_summary_and_failure_takes_priority
10313 PASSED test_duplicate_ids_across_tests_are_removed_from_summary_and_failure_takes_priority_when_final_outcome_is_passed
10311 PASSED test_duplicate_ids_across_tests_are_removed_from_summary
10280 PASSED test_exception_if_username_exists_and_apikey_does_not
10281 PASSED test_exception_if_apikey_exists_and_username_does_not
10282 PASSED test_no_exception_if_both_username_and_apikey_exist
10283 PASSED test_exception_if_product_not_specified
10285 PASSED test_exception_if_product_version_not_specified
10288 PASSED test_exception_if_run_not_specified
==================================== 45 passed, 1 skipped, 4 xfailed, 2 xpassed in 55.17 seconds ====================================

With --verbose

$ py.test . -r T --mt-url=moztrap.allizom.org --mt-username=<username> --mt-apikey=<key> --mt-product=pytest_moztrap --mt-productversion=0.1b --mt-run='plugin tests' --mt-env='Android 2.3' --verbose

=========================================== MozTrap test summary info ===========================================
10300 PASSED test_summary_when_single_id_in_marker
10302 INVALIDATED test_summary_with_xdist_dash_n
    SKIPPED: this test requires pytest-xdist
10305 PASSED test_summary_when_multiple_ids_in_marker
10392 PASSED test_demo_parameterized_with_multiple_outcomes
    [1] XPASSED
    [2] XFAILED: demo
    [3] XFAILED: demo
    [4] XFAILED: demo
10307 PASSED test_duplicate_ids_in_a_single_test_are_removed_from_summary
10321 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_parameterized_with_multiple_outcomes
10320 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_failed_test
10292 PASSED test_exception_when_environment_not_specified
10279 PASSED test_no_exception_if_no_moztrap_flags_specified
10296 PASSED test_run_not_found
10295 PASSED test_product_version_not_found
10294 PASSED test_product_not_found
10297 PASSED test_environment_not_found
10299 PASSED test_summary_is_not_output_when_no_id_in_marker
10298 PASSED test_no_error_if_product_version_and_run_all_specified
10393 PASSED test_demo_xpass_trumps_xfail
    [1] XFAILED: demo
    [2] XPASSED
10318 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_xpass_trumps_xfail
10319 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_skipped_test
10316 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_xfail_test_marker
10317 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_xpass_test_marker
10314 PASSED test_summary_does_not_include_ids_not_found_on_moztrap
10315 PASSED test_verbose_report_of_xfail_inside_test
10312 PASSED test_duplicate_ids_across_tests_are_removed_from_summary_and_failure_takes_priority
10313 PASSED test_duplicate_ids_across_tests_are_removed_from_summary_and_failure_takes_priority_when_final_outcome_is_passed
10311 PASSED test_duplicate_ids_across_tests_are_removed_from_summary
10280 PASSED test_exception_if_username_exists_and_apikey_does_not
10281 PASSED test_exception_if_apikey_exists_and_username_does_not
10282 PASSED test_no_exception_if_both_username_and_apikey_exist
10283 PASSED test_exception_if_product_not_specified
10285 PASSED test_exception_if_product_version_not_specified
10288 PASSED test_exception_if_run_not_specified

========================== 45 passed, 1 skipped, 4 xfailed, 2 xpassed in 57.83 seconds ==========================

Continuous Integration

Build Status


$ pip install git+https://github.com/klrmn/moztrap-connect/
$ python setup.py install


For full usage details run the following command:

$ py.test --help

  --mt-url=url        url for the moztrap instance. (default:
  --mt-username=str   moztrap username
  --mt-apikey=str     Ask your MozTrap admin to generate an API key in the
                      Core / ApiKeys table and provide it to you.
  --mt-product=str    product name
                      version name
  --mt-run=str        test run name
  --mt-env=str        test environment name
  --mt-coverage       show the coverage report. (default False)

In addition, moztrap reporting can be enabled by including 'T' in the -r option, and additional reporting will be included with the --verbose option.

Marking tests

To indicate related test cases, use the MozTrap mark as follows:

Example (single related test case)

import pytest
def test_stuff_works():
    assert stuff_works

Example (multiple related test cases)

import pytest
@pytest.mark.moztrap([1001, 1002])
def test_stuff_works():
    assert stuff_works

Running the tests for this project

Running the tests has the following required parameters: --test-mt-username --test-mt-run --test-mt-apikey

The following flags have defaults that can be overwridden: --test-mt-url (moztrap.allizom.org) --test-mt-project (pytest_moztrap) --test-mt-projectversion (0.1a) --test-mt-env (Android 2.2)

The test_moztrap_report.py and test_moztrap_report_verbose.py files report selected results to moztrap.allizom.org, but the success of this action is not verified within the automation. After running this suite, https://moztrap.allizom.org/results/cases/?filter-run=47 (or adjusted for your current version and run) should show results for all of the test cases, with 3 invalidated, 4 failed, and 8 passing results.