Steps to deploy:
1. Deploy to a Azure Web Services or use ngrok to create a tunnel. You will need to run the bot on a an http/s endpoint. Even though the bot isn't ready, we still need the URL that it will be using for the later steps.
- (optional)start ngrok with "ngrok http -host-header=rewrite 3979"
- Use your http endpoint during creation
- Go to Settings > Manage Microsoft App ID
- Copy the application Id and copy a newly generated password
- Paste both the ID and the Secret into your web.config and update your site
- Follow instructions at to configure
- In addition to the configuration steps, add an Incoming Webhook to the Bot application
- Make sure to add your bot to the channel that it is configured to forward into
- Use the bot application webhook url from slack as the value for the SlackURI key
- Use the configured Incoming webhook from teams as the value for the TeamsURI key
8. Prepare the PublishOutput folder by creating or updating a manifest.json. Instructions at
- Change the id and BotId key values to your Microsoft AppId inside of the manifest.json
- Add two images, one in 96px96px color named color.png and one in 20px20px white named outline.png