
GPU plugin to the node feature discovery for Kubernetes

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NVIDIA GPU feature discovery

Go Report Card License

Table of Contents


NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery for Kubernetes is a software that allows you to automatically generate label depending on the GPU available on the node. It uses the Node Feature Discovery from Kubernetes to label nodes.

Beta Version

This tool is in beta until it reaches v1.0.0, we may break the API. However we will setup a deprecation policy.


The list of prerequisites for running the NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery is described below:

  • nvidia-docker version > 2.0 (see how to install and it's prerequisites)
  • docker configured with nvidia as the default runtime.
  • Kubernetes version >= 1.10
  • NVIDIA device plugin for Kubernetes (see how to setup)
  • NFD deployed on each node you want to label with the local source configured (see how to setup)

Command line interface

Available options:

  gpu-feature-discovery [--mig-strategy=<strategy>] [--oneshot | --sleep-interval=<seconds>] [--output-file=<file> | -o <file>]
  gpu-feature-discovery -h | --help
  gpu-feature-discovery --version

  -h --help                       Show this help message and exit
  --version                       Display version and exit
  --oneshot                       Label once and exit
  --sleep-interval=<seconds>      Time to sleep between labeling [Default: 60s]
  --mig-strategy=<strategy>       Strategy to use for MIG-related labels [Default: none]
  -o <file> --output-file=<file>  Path to output file
                                  [Default: /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/features.d/gfd]

You can also use environment variables:

Env Variable Option Example
GFD_MIG_STRATEGY --mig-strategy none
GFD_OUTPUT_FILE --output-file output
GFD_SLEEP_INTERVAL --sleep-interval 10s

Environment variables override the command line options if they conflict.

Quick Start

Node Feature Discovery

The first step is to make sure the Node Feature Discovery is running on every node you want to label. NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery use the local source so be sure to mount volumes. See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery for more details.

You also need to configure the Node Feature Discovery to only expose vendor IDs in the PCI source. To do so, please refer to the Node Feature Discovery documentation.

Preparing your GPU Nodes

Be sure that nvidia-docker2 is installed on your GPU nodes and Docker default runtime is set to nvidia. See https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker/wiki/Advanced-topics#default-runtime.

Deploy NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery

The next step is to run NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery on each node as a Deamonset or as a Job.


$ kubectl apply -f gpu-feature-discovery-daemonset.yaml

The GPU Feature Discovery should be running on each nodes and generating labels for the Node Feature Discovery.


You must change the NODE_NAME value in the template to match the name of the node you want to label:

$ export NODE_NAME=<your-node-name>
$ sed "s/NODE_NAME/${NODE_NAME}/" gpu-feature-discovery-job.yaml.template > gpu-feature-discovery-job.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f gpu-feature-discovery-job.yaml

The GPU Feature Discovery should be running on the node and generating labels for the Node Feature Discovery.


This is the list of the labels generated by NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery and their meaning:

Label Name Value Type Meaning Example
nvidia.com/cuda.driver.major Integer Major of the version of NVIDIA driver 418
nvidia.com/cuda.driver.minor Integer Minor of the version of NVIDIA driver 30
nvidia.com/cuda.driver.rev Integer Revision of the version of NVIDIA driver 40
nvidia.com/cuda.runtime.major Integer Major of the version of CUDA 10
nvidia.com/cuda.runtime.minor Integer Minor of the version of CUDA 1
nvidia.com/gfd.timestamp Integer Timestamp of the generated labels 1555019244
nvidia.com/gpu.compute.major Integer Major of the compute capabilities 3
nvidia.com/gpu.compute.minor Integer Minor of the compute capabilities 3
nvidia.com/gpu.count Integer Number of GPUs 2
nvidia.com/gpu.family String Architecture family of the GPU kepler
nvidia.com/gpu.machine String Machine type DGX-1
nvidia.com/gpu.memory Integer Memory of the GPU in Mb 2048
nvidia.com/gpu.product String Model of the GPU GeForce-GT-710

Run locally

Download the source code:

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/gpu-feature-discovery

Build the docker image:

export GFD_VERSION=$(git describe --tags --dirty --always)
docker build . --build-arg GFD_VERSION=$GFD_VERSION -t nvidia/gpu-feature-discovery:${GFD_VERSION}

Run it:

mkdir -p output-dir
docker run -v ${PWD}/output-dir:/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/features.d nvidia/gpu-feature-discovery:${GFD_VERSION}

You should have set the default runtime of Docker to nvidia on your host or you can also use the --runtime=nvidia option:

docker run --runtime=nvidia nvidia/gpu-feature-discovery:${GFD_VERSION}

Building from source

Download the source code:

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/gpu-feature-discovery

Get dependies:

dep ensure

Build it:

export GFD_VERSION=$(git describe --tags --dirty --always)
go build -ldflags "-X main.Version=${GFD_VERSION}"

You can also use the Dockerfile.devel:

docker build . -f Dockerfile.devel -t gfd-devel
docker run -it gfd-devel
go build -ldflags "-X main.Version=devel"