UppGoogleTest is a distributed source nest for U++ platform that wraps GoogleTest a popular C++ unit testing framework. The package can be directly downloade using UppHub.
UppGoogleTest provieds two following package:
- plugin/gtest - the wrapepr for GoogleTest library.
- plugin/gmock - the wrapper for GoogleMock library.
The current package version is basing on GoogleTest v1.12.1.
To simplify the example, let's test basic String from Upp Core package:
#include <Core/Core.h>
#include <plugin/gtest/gtest.h>
class StringTest : public testing::Test {}
TEST_F(StringTest, TestConstruction)
Upp::String empty_string;
EXPECT_EQ(0, empty_string.GetCount());
More examples can be found under examples directory.
UppGoogleTest provides macros that extends TheIDE capabilities. Directly from Macro -> GoogleTest menu you can execute following operations:
- Launch all test - launches all available tests in the project (CTRL+R)
- Launch test - launches test at code editors cursor line (CTRL+E)