- Simple script file that will allow controlling blender program via an http endpoint
- This will start a separate thread from python that will be listening on localhost:8000
There are two modes for the moment:
- sync / exec: will execute the commands in a separate thread (not safe) but will return data
- async: will schedule the command to be evaluated in the MainThread every second (safe) no data can be return
- Blender team does not recommend accessing the bpy context from a thread different from MainThread.
- There are numerous cases where blender will crash with Segmentation fault, hence constantly saving your progress as even scheduling to be executed in the MainThread can cause problems.
- The running thread that keeps port 8000 in use cannot be killed from the script, hence to make changes or stop the server you need to quit blender
- To make the apy as flexible as possible there is no JSON serialization in the response, but it can be achieved using json.dumps
POST Retrieve raw python data
curl --data "dir(bpy.data.objects['Cube'])" localhost:8000/sync
POST Retrieve as json
curl --data "json.dumps(dir(bpy.data.objects['Cube']))" localhost:8000/sync
POST Retrieve X location of an object
curl --data "bpy.data.objects['Cube'].location.x" localhost:8000/sync
GET Object property value ( will execute the same command as the one above )
curl localhost:8000/Cube/location/x
Expected: 0.0 -
GET Object properties
curl localhost:8000/Cube/location
Expected: <Vector (3.1146, 8.0631, 4.8566)> -
POST Move object ( assignment )
curl --data "bpy.data.objects['Cube'].location.x += 0.05" localhost:8000/exec
POST Accessing actions that depends on context view: FAILS ( works in python interpreter )
curl --data "bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()" localhost:8000/sync
>>> throws error as context is not VIEW 3D
All commands are executed in main Thread that should avoid Segmentation faults but no data can be retrieved as there is no pub-sub queue implementation
This is still crashing blender as it is missing the context ( know bug ?? )
curl --data "bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(4,-3,6))" localhost:8000/async
Add object cube workaround
curl --data "bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add({'window': bpy.context.window_manager.windows[0], 'screen': bpy.context.window_manager.windows[0].screen}, location=(4,-3, 6))" localhost:8000/async
You can store functions in driver_namespace object and then call the function directly passing the content of the POST as a single string argument. You can change/update the function in every "Run Script"
Example: Create a complex function and save the reference in bpy.app.driver_namespace
import bpy
import threading
def cube(args_str):
print(threading.current_thread().name, "Executing cube function")
window = bpy.context.window_manager.windows[0]
ctx = {'window': window, 'screen': window.screen}
location_parts = args_str.split(',')
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(ctx, location=(float(location_parts[0]),float(location_parts[1]),float(location_parts[2])))
bpy.app.driver_namespace["cube"] = cube
- Using POST pass the values as a single string that you need to split inside the function
curl --data "4,-3,6" localhost:8000/cube