#UniqueStudio Freshmen Assignments 2



WARNING: Didn't follow the given headers for more flexibility. But all containers are implemented as expected complexity.

###Array Implemented using normal Array. Complexity: all supported operation : Constant


Implemented using bi-directional linked list. Complexity: Get/Put the First/Last element : Constant Search: O(n) Insert & Remove: Constant(Given Node) Iteration: O(n) Clear: O(n)

###Stack & Queue Implemented using List

###Vector Implemented using dynamic allocated Array. Complexity: Get: Constant Put: Average Constant Other Operations:O(n)

###Priority Queue Implemented using heap. Complexity: O(logN)

###Unordered Map Implemented using hash table.

Complexity: <=O(n/MaxArrayLength)

the MaxArrayLength depends on your hash function. Warning:No default hash functions are given.

###Set Implemented using Red-Black Tree.

Complexity: Get/Put:O(logN) Iteration:Average O(n) Clear: O(n)