Ruby version ** 3.0.0
System dependencies ** Rails 6.1.3
Database creation ** rails db:create
Database initialization ** rails db:migrate
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
WARNING: this is for local development only
Local Development:
- refer to docker folder
To start local postgresql
- /bin/bash start_pg.sh
- copy
to server, configure, and run eval `ssh-agent`; ssh-add
cap production deploy:check
- ssh into the server
ssh deploy@domain.name
- create the db config in
(see example below) - logout of the server
cap production setup:copy_linked_master_key
cap production deploy
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
sslmode: require
pool: 5
username: doadmin
password: xxx
host: example.com
port: 25060
database: defaultdb