This repository contains practice homework for time-series courses.
Trend analysis
- Time series smoothing
- Trend estimation and extraction
Trend predictive models(In progress)
- Naive Approach
- Simple Exponential Smoothing
- Holt's Linear Trend Model
- Holt Winter's Model
Dynamic predictive models(In progress)
- Residual analisys. Dickey-Fuller test
- Autocorelation analisys
- Predicting Time series: AR Model
- Predicting Time series: Moving Average Model
- daily-min-temperatures.csv - the dataset containce the minimum daily temperatures over 10 years (1981-1990) in the city Melbourne, Australia.
- monthly-sunspots.csv - describes a monthly count of the number of observed sunspots for just over 230 years (1749-1983).
- daily-total-female-births.csv - the dataset describes the number of daily female births in California in 1959.
- airline-passengers.csv - the dataset describe number of air passengers per month from 1949 to 1960.
- opsd_germany_daily.csv - contains electricity consumption, wind power production, and solar power production for 2006–2017.
- /data - contains csv files with data
- /notebooks - contains - ipynb files with prectices
To complete this practice you need to install Anaconda. Anaconda is a Python data science distribution with preinstalled libraries.