
Simple and extensible golang Healthz package

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go-healthz is a health and liveness package for golang, it provides a quick and easy interface to add healthz services to your application. With Providers you can add health checking to the critical parts of your application. Providers with a detailed view will give you the current status of all health checking services.

For more information about Liveness and rediness probes visit https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/


go get -u github.com/klyve/go-healthz



Constructor args description
Providers List of Providers, these have to conform to the Checkable interface type
Logger Logger used by healthz, if none is passed logging will be disabled
Detailed Setting Detailed to true will enable detailed healthz service reports
FailCode Used to set a custom HTTP status code if the healthz check fails


Provider args description
Name The name of the checkable provider (example database), this is used in errors and detailed reports
Handle The handle is the struct handle we want to use to check for health, must conform to Checkable

Use with built in server

healthz provides a simple http server for you to run the service on If you run an existing webserver you can chose to let healthz run on it's own port and not expose it.

func main() {
    logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
	instance := healthz.Instance{
		Logger:    logrus.New(),
		Detailed:  true,

	server := healthz.Server{
		ListenAddr:   ":3000",
		Instance:     instance,
		ServerLogger: logger,

    go server.Start()

    // Other blocking code 

Use with custom server

You can easily run this with a custom webserver, go-healthz instance provides the functions Healthz() and Liveness() These functions return http.HandlerFunc

func main() {
    logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
	instance := healthz.Instance{
		Logger:    logrus.New(),
		Detailed:  true,
    // Some arbitrary server
    server.Get("/healthz", instance.Healthz())
    server.Get("/liveness", instance.Liveness())

Creating a checkable type

A checkable type can be anything as long as it has the function Healthz() accessible. If this function return nil we assume it's healthy and fine.

type healthProvider struct {}

// Required on the object type
func (h healthProvider) Healthz() error {
    return errors.New("Will always fail")

Adding providers

A provider is an object that can report Health back to the healthz package.

func main() {
    logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
	instance := healthz.Instance{
        Logger:    logrus.New(),
        Providers: []healthz.Provider{
		        Handle: healthProvider{},
		        Name:   "myProvider",
    // Some arbitrary server
    server.Get("/healthz", instance.Healthz())
    server.Get("/liveness", instance.Liveness())

Response values


healthz will return the health values with errors if they are present The returned values differ if Detailed is set to true in the instance


Passing healthz checks return status code 200 OK

Without detailed view

  "healthy": true

With Detailed set

  "services": [{ "name": "myProvider", "healthy": true }],
  "healthy": true

Failing healthz checks return status code 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE Can be overridden by setting FailCode to a value in the instance definition.

Without detailed view

  "errors": [{ "name": "myProvider", "message": "Unable to do something" }],
  "healthy": false

With Detailed set

  "services": [{ "name": "myProvider", "healthy": false }],
  "errors": [{ "name": "myProvider", "message": "Unable to do something" }],
  "healthy": false


Liveness will always return 200 OK as long as it's running