This set of files can be used to create a Docker image of a standalone iRODS iCAT server,
 an iCAT server paired with the iDrop Web 2 web-based graphical client, or a standalone
 iRODS client with iCommands installed.

To create and instantiate the server, use the following instructions.

1. Locate the files in a single directory (known below as "path")..
2. Build the image you will need:
   - "docker build -t [repo]/icat:4.1.3 [path]/icat"
   - "docker build -t [repo]/idrop-web2:4.1.3 [path]/idrop-web2"
   - "docker build -t [repo]/icommands:4.1.3 [path]/icommands"
3. Use "docker run -t [repo/tag]" to start the docker image.

* The iCAT image exposes port 1247 for iRODS.
* iRODS and Postgres passwords are randomly generated at runtime. You may specify an iRODS
  rodsadmin password as a command line argument to "docker run".
* These images do not include supervisord or sshd. To access a terminal use "docker exec"
  e.g., "docker exec -ti [container-id] /bin/bash"
* The iDrop Web 2 image exposes ports 80 and 1247.
* The iDrop Web 2 image uses a script to update the URL of iDrop Web links. The URL stub
  will be of the form http://[$DOCKER_HOSTNAME]:[$DOCKER_PORT80]. You must specify
  these variables on the "docker run" commandline.

Example syntax:

iCAT only (loaded as background process)-
  docker run -p [port 1247 redirect]:1247 -d -t irods/icat:4.1.3 [new rodsadmin password]

iCAT + iDrop Web 2 (loaded as background process)-
  docker run -p [port 1247 redirect]:1247 -p [port 80 redirect]:80 \
  -e DOCKER_PORT80=[port 80 redirect] -e DOCKER_HOSTNAME=[hostname of the host machine] \
  -d -t irods/idrop-web2:4.1.3 [new rodsadmin password]

iCommands (loaded as foreground process)-
  docker run -ti irods/icommands:4.1.3