This project is a React Native app that performs benchmarks oriented at different JSI-related tasks.
Currently it only supports Android and uses google benchmark library to run a series of tests written here.
In order to run benchmarks on your own you need to build and install the app. Preferably run benchmarks on a real device and not emulator to get a better sense of the real-life values of the things under test.
yarn start
cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
Connect your android phone, and install using ADB:
adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
Launch AndroidBenchmark app installed in the previous step on your phone. Once the app opens, the benchmark results will be writted to ADB logcat. Use the following command to filter the results:
adb logcat | grep BENCHMARK
The output will looks something like that (the below results are from Samsung Galaxy J3 device):
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
InstantiatingHermesRuntime 21586660 ns 20671476 ns 35
CallHostFunctionFromJS1000Times 945949 ns 916524 ns 765
CallJSFunctionWithoutJSI1000Times 821180 ns 767397 ns 904
ExecuteJSIFunction1000Times 860390 ns 832706 ns 819
AccessHostObjectAttribute1000Times 1165616 ns 1148329 ns 609
AccessNativeStateData1000Times 1435801 ns 1390908 ns 495
GetNativeState 279 ns 269 ns 2608473
GetHostObject 69.3 ns 67.6 ns 10342067
EvaluatePreparedCode 13979 ns 13159 ns 90922