
A repo for our study group to collaborate, learn, and sharpen our GitHub skills.

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION


A website for our study group to collaborate, learn, and sharpen our skills.

Link to project:

How It's Made:

Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Getting Started

  1. Clone or fork repo
  2. Create a branch
  3. Edit your changes
  4. Create a pull request to have your change merged
  5. Walla - You've just contributed to a project

Lessons Learned:

GitHub is an incredible tool that we use to collaborate, deploy, and back up our code.

Our github profiles are listed below:

Kurt Malley: https://github.com/kmal808

Ashley Dunnaway: https://github.com/DunnTheRightWay

Cristina Lara: https://github.com/ChristinaaDev

Michael Olawunmi: https://github.com/CodeMichaelCode

Arturo Guevara: https://github.com/Arikabz

Brandon White https://github.com/leroialfonse

Cristofer Ramirez https://github.com/crisx0530

Rob Perry Coming soon..

Gregory Jordan Coming soon..