This was a group project for CSCI-C 335. Click to go to the Github pages link
This is a number puzzle game called NUZZLE. The game will begin with a simple menu asking the user to choose from 2 options, which include How to Play, and Play. Listener will listen to the user input and prompt the user to the appropriate next screen. The How to Play option will instruct the user on how to play the game. The Play option will output a random 3x3 matrix, and then the game will begin.
The user will see a randomly generated matrix with numbers from 1 to 8. There will be an empty element position so the user can move the desired puzzle piece to it making it swap position with the user selection.
The user will be able to move the puzzle piece into the empty set by using the arrows. Up arrow to move the position of the puzzle underneath up to the empty position, down arrow to move down the puzzle that is above the empty element position, left arrow to move the right value to the empty element position and right arrow to move the left value to the right element. When the user solves the puzzle the game will end and will display the moves and the time it took to solve the puzzle.
To exit the game once the game begins press the esc button.