
Centralised College Notice Board, a project under CSI-SIP-2017, made by Manish Kumar and Mahima Kejriwal.

Primary LanguagePHP


Centralised College Notice Board, a project under CSI-SIP-2017, made by Manish Kumar and Mahima Kejriwal.

IDEA : There is always a need for a centralized online notice board for any college/institution. This platform will serve as a single platform to notify everyone on the intranet to all the college activities and events.

TECHNOLOGIES USED : This is a web application PHP based. The various technologies used in the project are PHP for back end, HTML, CSS3 and JS for front end and MySQLi for Database.

REFERENCE/STUDY MATERIAL LINKS : PHP: 200 videos by TheNewBoston. HTML5, CSS3, JS : Tutorials Point.

FUNCTIONALITIES : This platform is to reduce the extra work in managing the different emails and groups. This platform will serve as a single platform to notify everyone on the intranet to all the college activities and events. This portal will also act as a repository of all the events and workshops that have been organized in the past. This Web Application is based on three types of user levels – Viewer, User and Administrator.

Project Mentor | Neelesh Singh Rajpurohit. Back End Developer | Manish Kumar. Front End Developer | Mahima Kejriwal. 

Project Developed under - CSI SIP 2017.