
Full Stack - React | Django | MySQL | Google Sheets API - submit and approve receipts which are written to a Google Sheet automatically.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Receipt Approval and Logging Application

This web application is designed to streamline the process of submitting, reviewing, and approving receipts. It is specifically tailored to the needs of college societies in Ireland, such as the Enactus DCU society, but can be easily adapted for other use cases. The frontend is built with React, while the backend utilizes Django.


  • User registration and login using Simple JSON Web Tokens and Django REST Framework, with a confirmation email sent to all new sign ups.
  • User accounts include IBAN for administrators to easily facilitate reimbursement for approved payments.
  • Users can submit receipts by uploading an image and providing details about the receipt, such as the date, purchase amount and reason.
  • All users and receipts (as well as each users associated receipts) are stored in a MySQL 5.7 DB or greater.
  • Administrators can view a list of all submitted receipts and mark them as approved or rejected.
  • Approved receipts are automatically written to a Google Sheet for tracking and reporting purposes.


Set Up

For Django Backend:

  1. Create a .env file in backend/ to store the following fields:
# MySQL database credentials

# Django secret key

# Google Sheet Client Secret Path

  1. Create a new virtual environment using python3 -m venv env and activate it using env\Scripts\activate.bat.
  2. Install the required packages using pip install -r requirements.txt from the backend/ directory.
  3. Create a new MySQL database and update the MYSQL_DATABASE, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_HOST, and MYSQL_PORT variables in the .env file with the corresponding values.
  4. Generate a Django secret key and update the SECRET_KEY variable in the .env file.
  5. Obtain Google Sheets API credentials and update the GOOGLE_SHEETS_CLIENT_SECRET_PATH and GOOGLE_SHEET_ID variables in the .env file with the corresponding values.
  6. Obtain service account secret credentials from the Google Cloud platform in the form of a JSON and place it in backend/ directory.
  7. Update the EMAIL_HOST_USER, EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD, EMAIL_HOST, and DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL variables in the .env file with the email account and host information that will be used to send confirmation emails.
  8. Run the following command to set up the database and create a superuser: python manage.py migrate and python manage.py createsuperuser.
  9. Start the development server using python manage.py runserver.
  10. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser to view the app.

For React Frontend:

  1. From the frontend/ directory, run npm install
  2. Once dependencies are installed, create a production build: npm run build