Project setup

Getting the project

cd to projects folder then to get the project on your machine run

git clone


Install RVM Make sure you are using the correct version of Ruby (see Gemfile:3)

rvm install ruby-2.4.0 # for Ruby version 2.4.0
rvm --default use 2.4.0 # set this version as default and use it currently

Install bundler

gem install bundler

Install project gems

bundle install

Local development

Running the server

middleman serve


To build the site prior to deploy

middleman build

To check out and verify the build

cd build
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

then open the server at localhost:8000

To deploy to S3

middleman s3_sync --environment=staging # use production for env to deploy to live site

once you're done it's best to delete the build directory

rm -rf build