
Gateway for Graffiticode compilers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Getting started with Graffiticode

Steps include (Mac OSX)

  • Setting up the global environment
    • $ sudo npm install -g browserify
  • Clone and initialize the GC repo.
    • $ git clone git@github.com:graffiticode/graffiticode.git
    • $ cd graffiticode
    • $ npm install
  • Setup environment variable to point to remote Postgres database.
    • $ export DATABASE_URL_DEV="postgres://wlovjffqtabvgr:67d461087192e361c01318446450356e3b9f86b3411b4e9efd8f7900af1b52e6@ec2-23-21-171-25.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/dbs6stheh2q96c".
    • Make sure the configuration constants near the top of 'app.js' are set as follows: const DEBUG = true; const LOCAL_COMPILES = true; const LOCAL_DATABASE = false;
  • [OPTIONAL] Create local Postgres database (Install Postgres if needed).
    • $ psql -c "create database localgcdb"
    • $ psql -d localgcdb -f tools/initgcdb.sql
  • Start Graffiticode app.
    • $ make
  • Make an artcompiler (see https://github.com/graffiticode/L0)