
Taming the Shiny monolith

How do you know your Shiny app is too big?

  • hard to identify where to make changes
  • hard to pass off to new people or onboard new people
  • accidentally break it (one parenthesis off takes hours to fix)

Progression of a Shiny application

  1. app.R file monolith 2a. get smarter and decouple UI from Server. Organizational benefit only. 2b. profile code (profvis and shinyloadtest)
  2. Shiny modules
  3. Tipping point -- hardened applications. Web application. Shiny becomes a lightweight front end. or it is recoded as a javascript front end. Focus is to put the brains in an API on the back end. Decouple front end from processing with microprocessing. Benefits are: a. maintainability b. reduction of technical debt c. sharability d. collaboration e. icing on the cake - side effects of focusing strictly on functionality

For each module, indentify processes and components that are important. The connections are just httr requests to the API.