
Simply enable SCSS and ES6 in your Django project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Set of add-ons for django-compressor that simply enables SCSS and ES6 in your Django project.


pip install django-compressor-additional-compilers
// settings.py

INSTALLED_APPS += ('compressor_additional_compilers',)


SCSS pre-compiler

SCSS is a great language that saves your time and brings joy to CSS development.

The add-on does next: SCSS → ( node-sass + Autoprefixer ) → CSS.

It also enables Django static imports in SCSS, see the example below.


// settings.py

    ('text/x-scss', 'compressor_additional_compilers.precompilers.SCSSCompiler'),
{# Django template #}

{% load compress %}

{% compress css %}
  <link type="text/x-scss" href="{% static 'app/layout.scss' %}">
{% endcompress %}
/* app/static/app/layout.scss */

@import "base/variables";

.title {
  font: bold $title-size Arial, sans-serif;
/* base/static/base/variables.scss */

$title-size: 30px;


You need node-sass, postcss-cli and autoprefixer to be installed. Quick install:

npm install node-sass postcss-cli autoprefixer

Or you can install them globally (you need to set COMPRESS_LOCAL_NPM_INSTALL = False):

npm install -g node-sass postcss-cli autoprefixer

ES6 pre-compiler

ES6 is a new standard for JavaScript that brings great new features.

The standard was approved in July 2015 and not all modern browsers fully support it for now. But there is a way to use it: transpilers that compile ES6 into good old ES5 syntax.

The add-on does next: ES6 → ( Browserify + Babelify ) → ES5.

It also enables Django static imports in ES6, see the example below.


// settings.py

    ('module', 'compressor_additional_compilers.precompilers.ES6Compiler'),
{# Django template #}

{% load compress %}

{% compress js %}
  <script type="module" src="{% static 'app/scripts.js' %}"></script>
{% endcompress %}
// app/static/app/scripts.js

import Framework from 'base/framework';

new Framework;
new Framework('1.0.1');
// base/static/base/framework.js

export let version = '1.0';

export default class {
  constructor(customVersion) {
    console.log(`Framework v${customVersion || version} initialized`);


You need browserify, babelify and babel-preset-es2015 to be installed. Quick install:

npm install browserify babelify babel-preset-es2015

Or you can install them globally (you need to set COMPRESS_LOCAL_NPM_INSTALL = False):

npm install -g browserify babelify babel-preset-es2015

Django settings


Whether you install required NPM packages locally.

Default: True.


Path to node_modules where babelify, autoprefixer, etc, libs are installed.

Default: ./node_modules if COMPRESS_LOCAL_NPM_INSTALL else /usr/lib/node_modules.


node-sass executable. It may be just the executable name (if it's on PATH) or the executable path.

Default: ./node_modules/.bin/node-sass if COMPRESS_LOCAL_NPM_INSTALL else node-sass.


postcss executable. It may be just the executable name (if it's on PATH) or the executable path.

Default: ./node_modules/.bin/postcss if COMPRESS_LOCAL_NPM_INSTALL else postcss.


Browser versions config for Autoprefixer.

Default: ie >= 9, > 5%.


Command that will be executed to transform SCSS into CSS code.


'{node_sass_bin} --output-style expanded {paths} "{infile}" "{outfile}" && '
'{postcss_bin} --use "{node_modules}/autoprefixer" --autoprefixer.browsers "{autoprefixer_browsers}" -r "{outfile}"'

Placeholders (i.e. they can be re-used in custom COMPRESS_SCSS_COMPILER_CMD string):

  • {node_sass_bin} - value from COMPRESS_NODE_SASS_BIN
  • {postcss_bin} - value from COMPRESS_POSTCSS_BIN
  • {infile} - input file path
  • {outfile} - output file path
  • {paths} - specially for node-sass, include all Django app static folders: --include-path=/path/to/app-1/static/ --include-path=/path/to/app-2/static/ ...
  • {node_modules} - see COMPRESS_NODE_MODULES setting
  • {autoprefixer_browsers} - value from COMPRESS_AUTOPREFIXER_BROWSERS


browserify executable. It may be just the executable name (if it's on PATH) or the executable path.

Default: ./node_modules/.bin/browserify if COMPRESS_LOCAL_NPM_INSTALL else browserify.


Command that will be executed to transform ES6 into ES5 code.


'export NODE_PATH="{paths}" && '
'{browserify_bin} "{infile}" -o "{outfile}" '
'-t [ "{node_modules}/babelify" --presets="{node_modules}/babel-preset-es2015" ]'


  • {browserify_bin} - value from COMPRESS_BROWSERIFY_BIN
  • {infile} - input file path
  • {outfile} - output file path
  • {paths} - specially for browserify, include all Django app static folders: /path/to/app-1/static/:/path/to/app-2/static/:... (like PATH variable)
  • {node_modules} - see COMPRESS_NODE_MODULES setting

Contribute and test

git clone https://github.com/kottenator/django-compressor-toolkit.git
cd django-compressor-toolkit
pip install -e '.[test]'
npm install