Scalariform IntelliJ IDEA plugin
This plugin adds a menu item that allows you to format the current file using Scalariform.
After installing the plugin, go to Preferences -> Scalariform and choose the formatting options you would like to be pass to scalariform.
When editing a Scala file, you will find "Format with Scalariform" option in the Code menu.
1. The plugin is fast! How does it work?
The plugin uses Scalariform as a library. It does not fork a new JVM to format your code.
2. Can it use my project Scalariform preferences from SBT?
Currently it is not able to do it. Pull requests are welcome!
3. How do I submit bugs / feature requests?
Please use Github issues for these. Requests for enhancing Scalariform itself should to go the Scalariform project and not to this project.