
Puppet project for PIH EMR. Can install PIH EMR and its dependencies on configured machines.

More info

How OpenMRS is configured in Puppet

Puppet matches the hostname of the target machine with a filename in hieradata.

The chosen file has a parameter pih_config. This is a comma-separated list of PIH config files to load. These config files are found in mirebalais-modules/openmrs/files/config/.

It also has a parameter config_dir. This is the name of a directory in mirebalais-modules/openmrs/files/app-data-config/. The selected directory should contain only a directory named "configuration", which will be copied to the root of the application data directory.

Using Vagrant

As root, create a Vagrant directory
cd into this directory and create a VagrantFile with the contents of the VagrantFile in this repo (see above)
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo apt-get install openssh-server git
sudo rm -rf /etc/puppet
git clone https://github.com/PIH/mirebalais-puppet.git /etc/puppet
cd /etc/puppet
sudo ./install.sh (note that you have to have credentials to log into the amigo server)

Using bundler


How to enable Java debugging

On the server you wish to enable debugging on, edit /etc/default/tomcat7.. There is a line that reads # To enable remote debugging uncomment the following line. Uncomment the following line. Note that one each redeploy this will be reset.


We use puppet-decrypt to encrypt and decrypt passwords in our puppet scripts.


SSL & LetsEncrypt

LetsEncrypt uses the site_domain parameter in hieradata to generate an SSL cert. Puppet only ever attempts to initialize it once, so if setup fails for any reason you will need to rm -r /var/acme before running ./puppet-apply.sh site again.


Ensure that in the yaml file az_backup_folder_path is set correctly

for example for HUM:

az_backup_folder_path: haiti/mirebalais

where haiti is the country name and mirebalais is the site name.

Upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04

To upgrade the existing servers to Ubuntu 20.04 ensure that you hold the necessary packages required for the PIHEMR to run. There is a script called hold-packages.sh that you can run to hold these packages. Ensure that you run this script before upgrading to any new ubuntu distribution

To upgrade to ubuntu 18.04


To upgrade to ubuntu 20.04



petl supports the sites below


  zl-test (for petl-test.pih-emr.org)

The pih-pentaho repo still hosts the rwanda etl. If you are installing a rwanda etl server, ensure that in the yaml file you set

imb_etl: true


The application.yml file holds all the configs, the each site has its respective application.yml file

Installing multiple petl instances on the same server.

This is achievable by running puppet more than once (on the same server). Note that this is not recommended on a productions instance There is a script called replace-petltest-vars.sh that you can relate to, to do this.

To install more that one petl instance on the same server, change the below variables
