
A multitrack rehearsal tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A multitrack rehearsal tool for A Capella, etc. Tweak the parts to get a perfect practice track.

An excuse to learn Symfony2 and the Web Audio API.

Thanks to https://github.com/squallooo/MT5 for lots of relevant webaudio code to learn from!

Also uses https://github.com/ScottMichaud/AudioSampleLoader

The song object uses knockoutJS observables to bind to the UI.

Gulp/Sass/browsersync workflow. Front-end with trimmed down Materialize framework SCSS. Please let me know if you like the text-editor themed dark color scheme or not :)

Demo at https://multitrack.kylemattimore.com


  • Configure database schema
  • set BUILDPACK_URL= https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php, if heroku/dokku thinks it is a nodejs app
  • set SYMFONY_ENV=prod
  • set SYMFONY_SECRET to random stuff
  • set PDO_DRIVER (should default to pdo_pgsql)
  • dokku/heroku postgres:create multitrack-postgres
  • dokku/heroku postgres:link multitrack-postgres multitrack

Do these before pushing, so the parameters.yml is populated correctly.

Post deploy:

  • dokku/heroku run php app/console doctrine:schema:create