
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION



Transformer-based multimodal integration of H&E-stained whole-slide images and their corresponding synoptic pathology reports to regress prognostic/predictive scores for cancer. See the preprint applying this to Oncotype scores here.


Extract tile-wise embeddings

  • Use STAMP
  • Convert to .pt files:
import torch
from h5py import File
import os

stamp_dir = 'path/to/stamp/output'
file_names = os.listdir(stamp_dir)  
for file_name in file_names:
    with File(os.path.join(stamp_dir, file_name), "r") as f:
        embeddings = f["feats"][:]
    embeddings = torch.from_numpy(embeddings).float()
    file_name_pt = file_name.replace('.h5', '.pt')
    torch.save(embeddings, os.path.join("pt_files", file_name_pt))

Install Orpheus

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 einops lightning wandb torchmetrics pandas numpy h5py datasets transformers evaluate scipy scikit-learn seaborn matplotlib statsmodels accelerate tokenizers=0.13.02 -c pytorch -c nvidia -c huggingface -c conda-forge

pip install -U 'jsonargparse[signatures]>=4.26.1'

As needed, modify the PyTorch-related packages per the instructions at: https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/

Prepare data

  • expects .csv file with columns:
    • case_id: any identifier for the image-text pair
    • score: float value within [0, 1]
    • input_visual_embedding_path: path to .pt file containing CTransPath embeddings derived using STAMP. NONE for rows without images.
    • text: text from synoptic pathology report. NONE for rows without text.
    • split: one of [train,val,test]
    • output_visual_embedding_path: desired location of .pt file containing whole-slide image embedding derived using Orpheus visual model. NONE for rows without images.
    • output_linguistic_embedding_path: desired location of .pt file containing aggregate text embedding derived using Orpheus visual model. NONE for rows without text.
    • output_multimodal_embedding_path: desired location of .pt file containing multimodal Orpheus-derived text-image embedding. NONE for rows with one missing modality.

If you like, you can create an example dataset in orpheus/scratch using python orpheus/utils/utils.py

Log in to W&B

wandb login


Train vision model

Adjust any parameters to suit your system in the config file.

python orpheus/main.py fit --config orpheus/vision/config.yaml

Logs are in outputs/training_logs, and checkpoints are in outputs/vision-models. Select the checkpoint with the lowest validation loss.

Generate visual embeddings

wandb disabled
python orpheus/main.py predict --config orpheus/vision/config.yaml --ckpt_path outputs/vision-models/{best_model}.ckpt
wandb enabled

Predictions are stored as individual .pt files in preds/visual/{split} named by case_id in the dataframe you provide, and the whole-slide embeddings are stored where you designate in the output_visual_embedding_path.

Train language model

python orpheus/language/train.py --df_path scratch/example.csv

Logs and checkpoints are in outputs/text-models. Select the checkpoint with the lowest validation loss.

Generate linguistic embeddings

wandb disabled
python orpheus/language/infer.py --df_path scratch/example.csv --ckpt_path outputs/text-models/{best_model}
wandb enabled

Predictions are stored as individual .pt files in preds/linguistic/{split} named by case_id in the dataframe you provide, and the whole-slide embeddings are stored where you designate in the output_linguistic_embedding_path.

Train multimodal model

python orpheus/main.py fit --config orpheus/multimodal/config.yaml

Logs and checkpoints are in outputs/multimodal-models. Select the checkpoint with the lowest validation loss, and compare against unimodal models in W&B.

Generate multimodal embeddings

wandb disabled
python orpheus/main.py predict --config orpheus/multimodal/config.yaml --ckpt_path outputs/multimodal-models/{best_model}.ckpt
wandb enabled

Predictions are stored as individual .pt files in preds/multimodal/{split} named by case_id in the dataframe you provide, and the multimodal embeddings are stored where you designate in the multimodal_embedding_path.

Align multimodal scores

python orpheus/multimodal/align.py --df_path scratch/example.csv --img_pred_dir preds/visual --lan_pred_dir preds/linguistic --mult_pred_dir preds/multimodal --output_df_path all_predictions.csv

Performs final alignment of multimodal scores and adds pred_vis, pred_lan, pred_mul to your initial dataframe, which it saves, e.g. at all_predictions.csv in this example


python eval.py --pred_df_path all_predictions.csv

Generates metrics.json containing regression metrics for multimodal, visual, and linguistic models for training, validation, and test sets: r^2, mean average error with 95% C.I., concordance correlation coefficient with 95% C.I., Pearson correlation with 95% C.I. and p-value. Also generates one bar plot for each metric at plots/{metric}.