
A miniature reflection library for C++11

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


Build Status Appveyor status Boost licensed

A header-only library providing structure visitors for C++11.


In C++ there is no built-in way to iterate over the members of a struct type.

Oftentimes, an application may contain several small "POD" datatypes, and one would like to be able to easily serialize and deserialize, print them in debugging info, and so on. Usually, the programmer has to write a bunch of boilerplate for each one of these, listing the struct members over and over again.

(This is only the most obvious use of structure visitors.)

Naively one would like to be able to write something like:

  for (const auto & member : my_struct) {
    std::cerr << member.name << ": " << member.value << std::endl;

However, this syntax can never be legal in C++, because when we iterate using a for loop, the iterator has a fixed static type, and member.value similarly has a fixed static type. But the struct member types must be allowed to vary.


The usual way to overcome issues like that (without taking a performance hit) is to use the visitor pattern. For our purposes, a visitor is a generic callable object. Suppose our struct looks like this:

  struct my_type {
    int a;
    float b;
    std::string c;

and suppose we had a function like this, which calls the visitor v once for each member of the struct:

  template <typename V>
  void visit(V && v, const my_type & my_struct) {
    v("a", my_struct.a);
    v("b", my_struct.b);
    v("c", my_struct.c);

(For comparison, see also the function boost::apply_visitor from the boost::variant library, which similarly applies a visitor to the value stored within a variant.)

Then we can "simulate" the for-loop that we wanted to write in a variety of ways. For instance, we can make a template function out of the body of the for-loop and use that as a visitor.

  template <typename T>
  void log_func(const char * name, const T & value) {
    std::cerr << name << ": " << value << std::endl;

  visit(log_func, my_struct);

Using a template function here means that even though a struct may contain several different types, the compiler figures out which function to call at compile-time, and we don't do any run-time polymorphism -- the whole call can often be inlined.

Basically we are solving the original problem in a very exact way -- there is no longer an explicit iterator, and each time the "loop body" can be instantiated with different types as needed.

If the loop has internal state or "output", we can use a function object (an object which overloads operator()) as the visitor, and collect the state in its members. Also in C++14 we have generic lambdas, which sometimes makes all this very terse.

Additionally, while making a visitor is sometimes more verbose than you'd like, it has an added benefit that generic visitors can be used and reused many times. Often, when doing things like logging or serialization, you don't want each struct to get a different implementation or policy, you want to reuse the same code for all of them.


So, if we have a template function visit for our struct, it may let us simplify code and promote code reuse.

However, that means we still have to actually define visit for every struct we want to use it with, and possibly several versions of it, taking const my_type &, my_type &, my_type &&, and so on. That's also quite a bit of repetitive code, and the whole point of this is to reduce repetition.

Again, ideally we would be able to do something totally generic, like,

  template <typename V, typename S>
  void apply_visitor(V && v, S && s) {
    for (auto && member : s) {
      v(member.name, member.value);

where both the visitor and struct are template parameters, and use this to visit the members of any struct.

Unfortunately, current versions of C++ lack reflection. It's not possible to programmatically inspect the list of members of a generic class type S, using templates or anything else standard, even if S is a complete type (in which case, the compiler obviously knows its members). If we're lucky we might get something like this in C++20, but right now there's no way to actually implement the fully generic apply_visitor.


This library permits the following syntax in a C++11 program:

  struct my_type {
    int a;
    float b;
    std::string c;

  VISITABLE_STRUCT(my_type, a, b, c);

  struct debug_printer {
    template <typename T>
    void operator()(const char * name, const T & value) {
      std::cerr << name << ": " << value << std::endl;

  void debug_print(const my_type & my_struct) {
    visit_struct::apply_visitor(debug_printer{}, my_struct);

Here, the macro VISITABLE_STRUCT defines overloads of visit_struct::apply_visitor for your structure.

These two things, the macro VISITABLE_STRUCT and the function visit_struct::apply_visitor, are basically the whole library.

A nice feature of visit_struct is that apply_visitor always respects the C++11 value category of it's arguments. That is, if my_struct is a const l-value reference, non-const l-value reference, or r-value reference, then apply_visitor will pass each of the fields to the visitor correspondingly, and the visitor is also forwarded properly.

It should be noted that there are already libraries that permit structure visitation like this, such as boost::fusion, which does this and much more. Or boost::hana, which is like a more modern successor to boost::fusion which takes advantage of C++14.

However, our library can be used as a single-header, header-only library with no external dependencies. The core visit_struct.hpp is in total about two hundred lines of code, depending on how you count, and is fully functional on its own.

boost::fusion is fairly complex and also supports many other features like registering the member functions. When you need more power, you need to support pre-C++11, etc., then you should graduate to a "real" reflection library. But for some applications, visit_struct is all that you need.

Note: The macro VISITABLE_STRUCT must be used at filescope, an error will occur if it is used within a namespace. You can simply include the namespaces as part of the type, e.g.

VISITABLE_STRUCT(foo::bar::baz, a, b, c);

Compatibility with boost::fusion

visit_struct also has support code so that it can be used with "fusion-adapted structures". That is, any structure that boost::fusion knows about, can also be used with visit_struct::apply_visitor, if you include the extra header.

#include <visit_struct/visit_struct_boost_fusion.hpp>

This is intended as a compatibility header -- if you decide to move to a more heavy-duty reflection library, this header lets you avoid rewriting all your code.

Compatiblity with boost::hana

visit_struct also has a similar compatibility header for boost::hana.

#include <visit_struct/visit_struct_boost_hana.hpp>

"Intrusive" Syntax

An additional header is provided, visit_struct_intrusive.hpp which permits the following alternate syntax:

  struct my_type {
    VISITABLE(int, a);
    VISITABLE(float, b);
    VISITABLE(std::string, c);

This declares a structure which is essentially the same as

  struct my_type {
    int a;
    float b;
    std::string c;

There are no additional data members defined within the type, although there are some "secret" static declarations which are occurring. That's why it's "intrusive". There is still no run-time overhead.

Each line above expands to a separate series of declarations within the body of my_type, and arbitrary other C++ declarations may appear between them.

  struct my_type {

    int not_visitable;
    double not_visitable_either;

    VISITABLE(int, a);
    VISITABLE(float, b);

    typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> spair;

    VISITABLE(spair, p);

    void do_nothing() const { }

    VISITABLE(std::string, c);


When visit_struct::apply_visitor is used, each member declared with VISITABLE will be visited, in the order that they are declared.

The implementation of the "intrusive" version is actually very different from the non-intrusive one. In the standard one, a trick with macros is used to iterate over a list. In the intrusive one, actually templates are used to iterate over the list. It's debatable which is preferable, however, because the second one is more DRY (you don't have to repeat the field names), it seems less likely to give gross error messages, but overall, the implementation of that one is trickier. The second one also does not have the requirement that you jump down to filescope after declaring your structure in order to declare it visitable. YMMV, patches welcome :)

Visitation without an instance

Besides iteration over an instance of a registered struct, visit_struct also supports visiting the definition of the struct. In this case, instead of passing you the field name and the field value within some instance, it passes you the field name and the pointer to member corresponding to that field.

For instance, the function call


is similar to

  v("a", &my_type::a);
  v("b", &my_type::b);
  v("c", &my_type::c);

This is potentially very useful in some situations. For instance, sometimes you want to output a diagnostic about the layout of some object, but actually instantiating it is complicated or expensive. With this version of apply_visitor, you get the names and the types of the members, without needing to actually instantiate the object.

This may be especially useful when you have a C++14 compiler which has proper constexpr support. In that case, visit_struct::apply_visitor is constexpr also, so you can use this for some nifty metaprogramming purposes. (For an example, check out test_fully_visitable.cpp.)

Much thanks to Jarod42 for this patch.

Note: The compatibility headers for boost::fusion and boost::hana don't currently support this version of apply_visitor.

I don't know how to get the pointers-to-members like this from boost::fusion -- in this stackoverflow answer user jv_ says he doesn't believe it's possible to get those pointers which fusion holds internally, and the smart bet is that he's right about such things.

In the case of hana, it's not likely to be able to get them because it goes somewhat against the design, which views the "struct concept" as essentially "sequences of move-invariant values". Internally it represents all structs as tuples, and attempts to abstract away details like pointers to members. See the hana documentation for more on this.

If you really want or need to be able to get the pointers to members, that's a pretty good reason to use visit_struct honestly.

Binary Vistation

visit_struct also supports visiting two instances of the same struct at once.

The syntax is similar to that of boost::variant -- the visitor comes first, then two the structure instances.

For instance, the function call

  visit_struct::apply_visitor(v, s1, s2);

is similar to

  v("a", s1.a, s2.a);
  v("b", s1.b, s2.b);
  v("c", s1.c, s2.c);

This is useful for implementing generic equality and comparison operators for visitable structures, for instance. Here's an example of a generic function struct_eq which compares any two visitable structures for equality using operator == on each field, and which short-circuits properly.

  struct eq_visitor {
    bool result = true;

    template <typename T>
    void operator()(const char *, const T & t1, const T & t2) {
      result = result && (t1 == t2);

  template <typename T>
  bool struct_eq(const T & t1, const T & t2) {
    eq_visitor vis;
    visit_struct::apply_visitor(vis, t1, t2);
    return vis.result;


When using VISITABLE_STRUCT, the maximum number of members which can be registered is visit_struct::max_visitable_members, which is by default 69.

When using the intrusive syntax, the maximum number of members is visit_struct::max_visitable_members_intrusive, which is by default 100.

These limits can both be increased, see the source comments and also IMPLEMENTATION_NOTES.md.

Compiler Support

visit_struct targets C++11 -- you need to have r-value references at least, and for the intrusive syntax, you need variadic templates also.

visit_struct works with versions of gcc >= 4.8.2 and versions of clang >= 3.5.

The appveyor build tests against MSVC 2013 and MSVC 2015.

MSVC 2015 is believed to be fully supported.

For MSVC 2013, the basic syntax is supported, the intrusive syntax doesn't work there and now isn't tested. Again, patches welcome.

Much thanks again to Jarod42 for significant patches related to MSVC support.

Licensing and Distribution

visit_struct is available under the boost software license.

See also