- 2
NVENC Hardware Acceleration
#72 opened by kmcclive - 0
Templates are enabled before selecting a source
#147 opened by kmcclive - 2
What do the gray line represent
#146 opened by marco-luo928420 - 1
Portable Version
#145 opened by holly7787 - 0
Port Tricycle to React Native
#135 opened by kmcclive - 0
Upgrade target frameworks
#134 opened by kmcclive - 1
Investigate porting Tricycle on Windows to UWP
#127 opened by kmcclive - 1
Add DVD support
#103 opened by kmcclive - 2
- 1
Feature Request: Debian-based Linux Support
#88 opened by abrown128 - 0
Templates are enabled during transcodes
#115 opened by kmcclive - 0
- 5
Translate Tricycle to French
#118 opened by kmcclive - 0
Every audio track is marked as default/enabled
#114 opened by kmcclive - 0
Default noise reduction settings are too aggressive
#111 opened by kmcclive - 1
- 6
Verbose / CLI Commands
#112 opened by docgonzo2015 - 0
Add support for content-based presets
#117 opened by kmcclive - 0
Remember last-used settings
#116 opened by kmcclive - 2
- 0
Adjust start and end times
#107 opened by kmcclive - 1
Generalize HDR Support
#70 opened by kmcclive - 0
Add tagging
#104 opened by kmcclive - 0
Add Blu-ray disc support
#102 opened by kmcclive - 0
- 2
Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2)
#86 opened by madhatr - 7
Tricycle closing when scanning files
#89 opened by Johntony90 - 3
Converted Video Unplayable on Mac
#94 opened by noonetooimportant123 - 0
Styling issue with audio panel on Big Sur
#92 opened by kmcclive - 0
Templates don't load properly on Big Sur
#93 opened by kmcclive - 0
Update app icon for Big Sur
#91 opened by kmcclive - 5
Just stumbled upon this app and it refuses to work, also have a feat request :D
#84 opened by morpheus2n2 - 0
- 2
Just trying this out
#83 opened by tyeeman - 0
Windows installer doesn't perform clean updates
#82 opened by kmcclive - 2
Can't transcode any file
#79 opened by kmcclive - 18
Can't open any video file
#62 opened by sed03 - 0
Logging doesn't indicate stdout vs stderr
#74 opened by kmcclive - 0
VideoToolbox Hardware Acceleration
#73 opened by kmcclive - 0
Intel QuickSync Hardware Acceleration
#71 opened by kmcclive - 0
Pattern-based Source Selection
#69 opened by kmcclive - 0
Command-line Interface
#68 opened by kmcclive - 0
Limit bitrate
#67 opened by kmcclive - 0
Add debug logging
#63 opened by kmcclive - 0
Destination may default to source
#55 opened by kmcclive - 0
Not all language codes are supported
#56 opened by kmcclive - 0
Unsupported Audio alert is cut off on Windows
#57 opened by kmcclive - 0
Display consistent alerts
#47 opened by kmcclive - 1
Unexpected defaults for manual cropping
#48 opened by kmcclive - 0
Remember last-used destination directory
#51 opened by kmcclive