
Pipe in JSON5, get back JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Pipe in JSON5, get back JSON.

This is useful if you forgot to JSON.stringify() the object before you wrote it to a file.


npm install -g json5ify


$ json5ify --input="{ key: 'value'}"


$ echo "{oops: 'i wrote json5', why: 'because i am lazy'}" | json5ify

{"oops":"i wrote json5","why":"because i am lazy"}

$ json5ify --path=/path/to/my.json5


$ echo "{oops: 'i wrote json5', why: 'because i am lazy'}" | json5ify --space=2 > ~/my.json5


  • --input={}: JSON5 input
  • --path=PATH/TO/JSON5: parse a file
  • --space: pretty printing (defaults to two psaces)
  • --space=4: pretty printing with a number of spaces
  • --space=" ": pretty printing with a string