This thing grabs posts from a Tumblr blog and feeds them to a Markov Chain text generator. Written as a way for me to scrape posts from the blog sexpigeon and generate fun new text out of it, but it pretty much just works for any blog.
npm install
to get the dependencies and stuff.
This requires a MongoDB database to store the content from a Tumblr API. You can run npm run db
to get the DB going.
npm run db # start the database
mongo localhost:27017
Connect to the DB using mongo localhost:27017
and then create the table to store posts:
use sextpigeon
Just read the code and you'll figure it out, maybe. Here's some half-assed instructions. Sorry.
Scraping posts and writing the content to a text file
sextpigeon --scrape --processPosts --blogName=sexpigeon --consumerKey='YOUR_KEY' --consumerSecret='YOUR_SECRET'
Generating a sentence for a blog you've scraped and processed
sextpigeon --blogName=sexpigeon
Make your console speak
sextpigeon --blogName=sexpigeon --sayIt
Make a bunch at once
sextpigeon --blogName=sexpigeon --generateSentences=20