
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Senior Project

Carb Counter!

This web application is a general use tool for you to find nutritional content of food. Diabetics are able to specify their insulin needs, and then this app will report the amount of insulin needed for their current meal! A goal of this project is to gain familiarity with a web tech stack (this includes Facebook's React, node + express). This project will be awesome.

Setup steps

  1. Clone the directory.
  2. Run 'npm install' in Source folder (this is where package.json lives).
  3. Create an appId and appKey with Nutritionix's developer API.
  4. Open 'keys_ex.js' in your editor. Fill in your appId and appKey. Rename the file to 'keys.js'.

Run Instructions

  1. Run 'npm start' inside of the 'Source' folder.
  2. Go to http://localhost:8080.


  1. Facebook's login button does not update correctly to a logout button on login. You'll notice the button will not update to a login button after you have signed in.


  • Kevin Costello