
This repository will allow users to create API requests from postman collections at scale.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Postman

pypostman is a command-line interface that allows to automate multiple api calls from postman collections, additionally it also allow you to compress and save the response to a local directory or to an AWS S3 bucket. Thereby allowing you to manage your api calls using postman, then automate and process their response using python.


from pypostman.postman import Postman
from pypostman.modules.http import Request

postman = Postman()

collections_dir = "../collections"
collections = postman._get_collections(dir=collections_dir)
pokeapi_collection = postman._get_collection(name="PokeAPI", collections=collections)
pokeapi_requests = postman._get_requests(collection=pokeapi_collection)

def pokemon(self, **kwargs):
    # Make an API request.
    # The request name should match the Postman request name.
    name = "/pokemon"
    pokemon = postman._get_request(name=name, requests=pokeapi_requests)
    prepared_request: Request = Request(request=pokemon)
    response = prepared_request.send
    return response

What is Included?

  • The pypostman source code.
  • collections
    • Coinmarketcap.postman_collection.json
    • PokeAPI.postman_collection.json
  • models
    • coinmarketcap_example.py
    • pokeapi_example.py

Included Modules

  • file.py
  • http.py
  • logger.py


Python >= 3.8

Pypi Test:

pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ python-postman

Pypi (Not implemented Yet):

pip install python-postman

How to Use It

See examples.