
Secure SSH Public Key Distribution

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SSPKD - Secure SSH Public Key Distribution

* PLEASE NOTE: This software is is currently an ALPHA release which means *
*              it most likely contains bugs either in the software itself *
*              or in the documentation.                                   *
*                                                                         *
*              Please report (or generate pull requests) for any issues   *
*              that you find. Thank you.                                  *

SSPKD is a system to securely distribute your SSH public keys to multiple

Security is achieved through the use of your GPG key to sign authorized_keys
file updates which are verified on each recipient machine before an update 
to the authorized_keys file takes place.

In the event an invalid signature is presented then the update is not
performed, so if your 'central' sspkd server was compromised then an 
attacker would be unable to simply add their sshkey and push it onto all
your other hosts.