Safe Human-Robot Collaboration with Franka Emika Panda


  • Install pip3:

    sudo apt install python3-pip
  • Install sphinx:

    python3 -m pip install sphinx
  • To use ReadTheDocs, install the following sphinx extension:

    python3 -m pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
    pip3 install sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx
  • Install myst-parser:

    python3 -m pip install myst-parser
  • Install build-essential:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential
  • Install docutils

    python3 -m pip install docutils==0.16

Visualize the documentation:

  • Clone this repository in the folder of your choice:

    git clone
  • Go to the panda_constrained_control_tutorial directory and build html:

    make html
  • View the index of the tutorial:

    Navigate to the /build/html directory (not via the terminal), right-click on index.html, and open the index.html with your browser.

    You should now be able to see the tutorial in your web browser.

  • Everytime you change someting to the .rst files in the source folder and you want to see the changes on the web page, you have to go to the panda_constrained_control_tutorial directory and build html:

    make html