
Tracking database schema versions, upgrading/downgrading databases.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Copyright (c) 2008 by Konstantin Merenkov <kmerenkov@gmail.com>
Project's homepage: http://github.com/kmerenkov/dbup/tree/master

See LICENSE file in the same directory as this README.
In short - MIT.

==== About ====
This application is designed to let you keep track of your database
scheme versions currently used in your applications, and easily
upgrade or downgrade tables.

==== Dependancies ====
 - python 2.5 (probably 2.4 too)
 - sqlalchemy 0.4 and later

==== Why? ====
I need something to use in one project I work on.
Main goal is to make it work with our project and environment.
Secondary goal is to make it generic, so it could be used
in many projects that use databases (main target - webapps).

==== Help? Documentation? ====
Sorry, not yet. Project is on its early development stage.