
VisualTracker: A react application to show annual statistical report of an organization

Primary LanguageJavaScript

VisualTracker : A React application to visualize company annual statistics

This is a react based application to show a company annual statistical data. Last standing data is visualized through a Card and full company growth report is being visualized using a line chart. For the visualization, application reads JSON format data from local machine.
Technology/Tools : React.Js, Material UI, Hooks, JSON, HTML and CSS.


  1. The application has developed and tested in windows 10.
  2. Material ui
    npm install @material-ui/core
  3. axios
    npm install axios
  4. react-chartjs-2
    npm install --save react-chartjs-2 chart.js
  5. react count-map
    npm i react-countup
  6. react classnames
    npm install classnames --save

Run this project

Step :1 Download and install Node.js in your machine using the following link.

Step :2 Create a folder containg any name for this project.
Step :3 Go inside the folder, Open terminal and run the following command to create react app.
npx create-react-app ./
Step :4 Installed all the mentioned requirements.
Step :5 Download this repository and extracted all the files.
Step :6 Now replace created app's src folder by the extracted files src folder.
Step :7 Now execute the npm start command. It will run the project.
Step :8 Go to web browser and check your program is running in http://localhost:3000.