
This project is to classify images into drowsiness and normal condition.

The ones used for image preprocessing are haar cascade and mediapipe.

WideResnet tried to create a more accurate classification model by expanding the range of models.

Environment & Package

  1. NVIDIA Titan XP (CUDA 10.2)
  2. Python 3.8.10
  3. Tensorflow-gpu 2.10.0
  4. Mediapipe
  5. Keras 2.10.0


Check the code for the detailed structure of the model.

  1. Model 1 (CNN) image
  2. Model 2 (WideResnet+ReLU) image
  3. Model 3 (WideResnet+Leaky ReLU) image



The model with WideResnet did not achieve the desired level of learning results due to a lack of epochs.